The Good Stuff

The accomplice

The name comes from the fact that you really do need 2 hands to hold just one of these fun and delicious not really a brownie, but not really a cookie delights.
These are easy, they’re fun, they’re delicious and best of all they’re versatile.
I had my accomplice put it all together while I just measured, clicked and laughed.
It was a fun afternoon with delicious results. I don’t know that I would categorize these as Tonguegasmic, but they’re pretty damn tasty.

• 1 box dark chocolate or fudge brownie mix
• 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
• 1/4 cup plus 1 Tbsp applesauce
• 3 tablespoons water
• 2 eggs

Preheat oven to 375

*Put all ingredients into your mixing bowl. Mix until everything is well blended. *Drop by rounded tablespoons onto the greased baking sheet. Place the batter about 2 inches apart because these babies SPREAD when they bake.
*Bake for about 9 minutes or until they appear set and the middle no longer looks ‘wet’.
* Let the cookies sit on baking sheet for at least 3 minutes before removing putting on wire racks to cool.
*I got about 14 cookies out of this. You could get more or less depending on the size of the ‘scoop’ you choose to use.
*I added about 1 Cup of chopped walnuts to my batter. But these would be fabulous with Reese’s Pieces, M&M’s, White chocolate chips, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips.. you see where this is going right. Versatile. Quick. Easy. Delicious and most importantly CHOCOLATE!!!

These are moist and chewy in the center and a teeny bit crisp on the very edges, it’s a wonderful mix of textures!

Her favorite part of the process

The Finished Yumminess

Big Brownie Cookies

Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:10 minutes
Total Time:20 minutes


  • 1 box dark chocolate or fudge brownie mix
  • • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • • 1/4 cup plus 1 Tbsp applesauce
  • • 3 tablespoons water
  • • 2 eggs


  • Preheat oven to 375
  • *Put all ingredients into your mixing bowl. Mix until everything is well blended. *Drop by rounded tablespoons onto the greased baking sheet. Place the batter about 2 inches apart because these babies SPREAD when they bake.
  • *Bake for about 9 minutes or until they appear set and the middle no longer looks ‘wet’.
  • * Let the cookies sit on baking sheet for at least 3 minutes before removing putting on wire racks to cool.
  • *I got about 14 cookies out of this. You could get more or less depending on the size of the ‘scoop’ you choose to use.
  • *I added about 1 Cup of chopped walnuts to my batter. But these would be fabulous with Reese’s Pieces, M&M’s, White chocolate chips, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips.. you see where this is going right. Versatile. Quick. Easy. Delicious and most importantly CHOCOLATE!!!
Course: Desserts
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale



  1. I demand that you and that gorgeous girl come cook for me. Those look DELICIOUS. *In a cooking frenzy Honeybell totally blows low carb diet*

  2. YUM! Princess looks like she had a GREAT time making those…I’m sure eating them was just as fun!
    I made cookie press butter cookies this week. Usually a Christmas treat…Hubby doesn’t do well with chocolate, poor thing.
    Happy Mother’s Day. Blessings, EJT

  3. Adorable little helper and that is my favorite part of the process too!!!

    Happy Mother’s Day Rachel – see you – Kellan

  4. At this very moment I have brownie mix sitting on the counter, waiting for me to mix and bake…I’m totally making these instead of traditional brownies!!!

  5. Always applesauce when baking!! I never use oil. It makes everything so moist and so much healthier than oil. LOVE IT!!

  6. I do not go into my own kitchen, seriously, cooking gives me hives. You women put me to shame. I’m passing this on to the hubs. Hope he is up for it because they look delicous!

  7. Um…yummy!

    I always use applesauce in baking. Most oils turn rancid (releasing free radicals) when heated anyway.

    Oils= bad
    applesauce= good

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