I put this picture up on Instagram the other day.

  August 2011 vs August 2012


It’s actually shocking for me to see that picture on the left.

I became adept at avoiding pictures and mirrors alike.

It took me more than 2 years to pick up the gauntlet that I threw down, but I’ve never been happier and I have my husband and The 17 Day Diet to thank for it.

I’ll write more about The 17 Day Diet later – but you can follow that link to the book and read the reviews for yourself.

I was truly blessed that Nathan agreed to do the lfestyle change with me – it makes a huge difference to have a partner along for the journey to support you and keep you on track.

I’ve shared a few of our favorite 17 Day Diet recipes before and here’s another one that we absolutely love – especially because it’s so easy!



If you make it 100% according to the 17 Day Diet recipe – it has 4 ingredients (5 plus the chicken)

Mine has a couple more ingredients – but only because one thing that Nathan and I discovered during our time following the eating plan to a T and the year following (where we have kept off the weight – thankyouverymuch) is that we love spice to our food and enjoy really flavorful food versus deep fried or super salty (mmmm salt) 🙂

My whole family devoured this chicken (truth:  Princess scraped most of the sauce off her chicken because she’s going through an anti-sauce phase of life – seriously, y’all – I don’t even know her!)


Monkey liked it so much he took it to school the next day for lunch 🙂

Seriously, y’all – I couldn’t even get a picture of the plated dish with the broccoli because little fingers kept snatching bites and bigger ones kept walking off with the plates 😉

(The trials and tribulations of the family food blogger 🙂 )

Y’all ready for my slightly adapted version of the 17 Day Diet Oven Roasted BBQ Chicken?

17 day diet barbecue chicken

17 Day Diet Oven Roasted BBQ Chicken

Healthy and delicious oven roasted barbecue chicken breasts
Print Recipe
Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:40 minutes
Total Time:45 minutes


  • 5 boneless skinless chicken breasts - I use hormone free chicken
  • 3/4 Reduced Sugar Low Carb Catsup/Ketchup
  • 3 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Tbsp Agave Nectar
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • Dash of red pepper flakes if your family likes it spicy


  • Pre-heat your oven to 350 °F
  • Spray a baking dish with non-stick cooking spray and place your chicken breasts in the baking dish
  • Bake about 20 minutes
  • While the chicken breasts are cooking, mix together the Catsup/Ketchup, Worcestershire Sauce, Agave Nectar, chili powder and cumin (red pepper flakes optional)
  • Remove the chicken breasts from the oven and brush them liberally with your barbecue sauce.
  • Return them to the oven and bake an additional 10 to 15 minutes or until the internal temperature of 165°F


We served this with steamed broccoli topped with a squeeze of fresh lemon and they complemented each other wonderfully.
Servings: 5 chicken breasts
Author: Rachel


  1. First of all you are so beautiful! It shows in the second picture of proud you are of where you are in your healthy journey! When I was doing the 17 day diet really strictly, this was my favorite thing to cook. I am terrified of cooking chicken if I’m being honest. It always turns out dry or undercooked and dangerous. But I bravely made this BBQ chicken for my family and a good friend and they ADORED it. I have never gotten so many compliments on my cooking. The chicken is so juicy and BBQ sauce is perfect. Try it now!!

  2. I like you no matter what year it is or what you’re eating. Also, we’ll be trying this chicken soon. I haven’t made barbecue chicken in forever and we love sauce around here. 🙂

  3. recipe looks great but just an fyi- all chicken is hormone free. The freakish birds you see is caused by inbreeding. It’s not legal to use growth hormone in chickens (as is used in beef and pork). That said you want anti-biotic free chicken. The large crowded awful chicken farms throw antibiotics in the feed because birds housed in such crowded conditions tend to get sick- it’s done as a preventative. Can’t wait to try your recipe.

    from sandee the kind chicken farmer (I don’t eat my girls just their eggs)

  4. First of all, congrats! I personally spend a lot of time in the gym, and I know how happy I am when I see good results. I vote for healthy eating, always!

    1. thank you, Danijela! I’ve never been good at the gym, but we love bike riding and jogging as a family and yes – definitely feel wonderful afterwards!

  5. Rachel,
    yay for you! you look beautuful 🙂 And yay for bringing the family along. My son in love grew up in a family that did not eat healthy and his parents did not care what he ate. They ate a lot of processed and boxed foods and did not take the time to prepare food . He felt he missed out on many opportunities because of his obesity as a child. As an adult he exercises daily and eats healthy and has lost a lot of weight but wishes for all children that parents would pay attention and CARE what your kids are eating. I on the other hand have acuired the hormonal change after 45 middle age muffin top and desperately need to change something to remove it. Thanks so much for the recipes you share here. This chicken looks yummy I’ll be trying it soon. I have made something similar It has pineapple tidbits added to the sauce for natural sweetness and sliced onions baked when you bake the chicken. It too is YUM! Have a wonderful day.

    1. Hi Janita – thank you for commenting! I adore onions with chicken, the addition of pineapple! YUM!!!!!

      It is so important to raise our kids healthy and with good knowledge of food and healthy attitudes towards it!

  6. Looks yummy!! I might give it another go-around between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Might be just what I need to keep me on track as I make goodies for the holidays!! That first phase is so dang hard though!! You look awesome.

  7. I’m starting this diet within the week (or whenever my book arrives)! Honestly, I’m a bit scared. I have poor willpower, which probably got me into this mess in the first place. 🙂

  8. Wow, such a difference! I’m impressed with the effort you’ve made Rachel, and it’s really paying off for you. I’m at about that stage myself. *sigh* Mirrors suck. But that chicken looks awesome (although I have to ask about the “low carb” ketchup – what’s IN it? Is it something I want to eat? I’m a little… freaky about stuff like that)

  9. I’ve never heard of the 17 day diet (but of course now I will be Googling it until like 3AM) but I cannot wait to make this chicken! It looks SO divine, I cannot wait to try it!
    You look fabulous in both pictures as well, btw! (but being a redhead with freckles myself I think the look ROCKS so I may be partial!)

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  11. I’ve been on 17DD since June10,2013 starting round 3 of Cycle 1!!! I love this diet. I drug my husband along too and he’s pretty happy with his loss as well. I’ve lost 45 lbs!! He’s lost 30 and he’s almost to goal. Can’t wait to lose the rest and then maintain. Congrats girl!! Thanks for sharing this recipe. I’m going to take it to my son and DIL’s for dinner tomorrow. They’ll never know it’s diet food. ;)It looks AHmazing!

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