A couple of months ago, Harry & David invited me out to Oregon with some of the most amazing women I’ve ever known and we were given the opportunity to share, laugh, learn in one of the most gorgeous little corners of America and we were able to do all this while combining some of our favorite things:

Friends (new and old)




I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing that trip was – the people at Harry & David blew me away with their passion, knowledge and true joy they take in everything they do and the group of us they brought out together…

It was non-stop laughter and sharing and soul-bonding from the get go.

I think this picture says it all… image stolen lovingly from Sandy THE one and only Reluctant Entertainer and our most gracious hostess

I still have so much to tell y’all about that trip and the friendships that I made there and the things that I learned.

That’s not what today is about.

Today is about this

and this

and this

and this

Are you drooling yet?

I started drooling as soon as I saw this box on my doorstep

Let’s be real, there’s something amazing and completely giddy inducing about getting deliveries, especially ones that you know contain amazing and mouthwatering deliciousness inside!

I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to meet the people from Harry & David and to have walked the pear orchard with them and seen the love that goes into every pear and the true passion and enthusiasm that goes into creating their legendary gift baskets.

We got a preview of what’s to come and y’all are going to FLIP!

I have a wonderful treat for y’all today.

Harry & David are giving one of y’all a Bear Creek Gift Box just like I received!

This gift box contains:

  • 6 Premium Pears
  • 2 Apples
  • Milk Chocolate Moose Munch Popcorn (6 oz.)
  • White Extra-Sharp Cheddar Cheese (5 oz.)
  • Hickory Smoked Summer Sausage (5 oz.)
  • Raspberry Galettes (5.25 oz.)
  • Olive Oil Crackers (4 oz.)
  • Mixed Nuts (4 oz.)
  • Chocolate Cherries (6 oz.)

As y’all can tell, I immediately sliced up the pears, cheese and summer sausage, paired them with the Olive Oil crackers and the kids and I had a really, really wonderful after school snack!

Nathan went straight for the Moose Munch, because .. well!  It’s Moose Munch!

Y’all – that cheese is out of this world delicious – actually, it all is.  I could go on and on and on about each item in this yummy Bear Creek Gift Box, but y’all don’t want me to do that 😉

Y’all want me to tell you how you can win one!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

thank you Harry & David for sponsoring my trip to Oregon and for providing me with this yummy Bear Creek Gift Box and with one for my readers!


  1. Mmmm…Love Harry and David. I’m thankful for the coming holiday season. It’s a crazy busy time, but I’m looking forward to spending time with my family, especially my mom as she continues to battle breast cancer. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  2. I am so thankful for my family. My kids, husband, parents, extended family and friends who have become family make my life complete.

  3. I am lucky enough to live in Southern Oregon and close to the Harry and David store. They have this fabulous seasonal pumpkin fudge that is to die for.

  4. Im very thankful to have a loving set of parents- we don’t see eye-to-eye about everything but right now they are being extra supportive about a career move that requires me to be back in school. They want me to be happy doing what I ultimately want. Their love and sacrifice means the world to me.

    1. … and I forgot to add that I am thankful for my family this year. We lost our Mom in January, and it was only together that we were able to make it through.

  5. I’m a huge fan of the moose munch from Harry & David! We also love their sweet pepper jelly mixed with cream cheese. Nummy!

  6. I LOVE the pears!! Our late pastor used to send them to all the staff member families. We looked forward to them every year!

  7. It has been a tough year, so I don’t have much most people would be thankful for, but I’ve learned that’s when it’s even more important to remember what is good. I’m thankful for friends, family, and what I do have.

  8. Those pears ! My daddy used to get Harry & David gifts when he was working and he always saved the pears for me.

    I’m thankful for all of the many holiday memories I have of my father to cherish.

  9. I am thankful for my new(ish) job where I am appreciated and happy and not feeling I’ll at the thought of going to work like I did at my previous job. I am thankful for my parents and brother who supported my decision to move almost 10 hours away and still support me 11 months later. I am thankful for my four spoiled cats and that they all mostly get along.

  10. …and my favorite thing from Harry and David has always been (and always will be) the pears!! so out of this world delicious!!

  11. I love the cherries (and all the other chocolate covered fruits)! I could make myself sick on them. Everything from Harry & David is top notch.

  12. I am thankful for my Salvation, my beautiful daughter, my health, my family and friends. I am also thankful for AWESOME giveaways!

  13. I am thankful to be here! I recovered from a life threatening illness and I am so thankful to be spending this holiday with family and friends.

  14. I’m thankful that my daughters and 2 grand babies were able to evacuate Long Island and are safely at home with us with heat and power and food!

  15. I am so glad that you enjoyed your trip to Southern Oregon. I live there and actually went on a field trip to the same places you mentioned. We just LOVE them!

    1. Sorry, I forgot the thankful part. I am thankful for my health and not having to be the patient at 3 hour dr. appointments.

  16. I am thankful that I am retired and able to take care of my aging mother and my three youngest grandchildren every day. It is truly a blessing to be able to share this special time together.

  17. What a great opportunity! My husband would go the sausage and cheese. My son already loves good cheese. And isn’t wonderful that I have the two of them.

  18. I am fairly new to your blog. I stumbled upon it while searching for a recipe. I love reading your entries. And then when I saw Harry and David too. I about freaked out. I love Harry and David. My dad used to get a basket every year at Christmas and my mouth would water over those yummy pears! Since my dad’s passing I have missed those baskets- not just because they are yummy but because something seems to be missing each Christmas. I would love to share that with my mom and siblings again. Blessings.

    1. Hey! Takker, hadde sneket seg inn en feil i lienkn der gitt. Skal fungere greit ne5.Ne5r det gjelder hastighet se5 er jeg klar over at det er blitt en tung side, jeg skulle gjerne gjort noe med det, men jeg aner ikke hvor jeg skulle begynt 🙂

  19. Thankful for my family and the gifts that God has blessed them with. And thank you for this giveaway! I LOVE their pears – the best I’ve ever eaten.

  20. i am first thankful for the Lord that gives us our true hearts desire. I am also tathankfull for my children and seven grandchildren, our extended family and for the wonderful man behind this woman every step of the way.

  21. I’M Soooooooo Thankful for my family and friends and and all my caring animals that bring me Joy………. would share my goodies my sister loves Harry and David big fan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, now i am a fan of yours.martha at berrycherry63@hotmail.com

  22. So very thankful to have my mom…she’s the most loving, caring, giving mom a girl could have…I’d be lost without her!

  23. I literally have dreams about Harry and David foods…I’ve only ever had them twice, as gifts. The pears and petit fours are the best in the world, and my favorites, but I’ve loved everything of theirs that I’ve ever tasted. They are true gourmets. I would love to share this experience with my sweetheart (I have been going on about how good their food is for a while, haha).

  24. I am thankful for my family and home…for having a decent place to live, decent food and clothing, and for being warm and well-fed. Having been homeless and hungry before, I am extra aware of and grateful for these basic blessings and do not take them for granted.

  25. I am thankful that I live in a country that allows freedom of religion. It is such an essential part of my life, that I cannot imagine having to worship in stealth and in hiding..

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