Let me repeat myself.


I am a finalist in the 2010 BlogLuxe Awards!!!!!


LOOK!  I even got a snazzy button and everything!


I am beyond humbled and flattered because this award is voted on by y’all; by readers, (hate the word fans), friends, Y’ALL!!!!!!!!  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Also, the caliber of the blogs that I’m in the finals with:


SERIOUSLY!  I feel like I’m with food blogger royalty (oh wait! because I AM!)

I cannot thank y’all enough! I truly have the most amazing friends and family and readers, thank y’all!!!

This is one of those times where I can honestly say; it’s an honor to have been nominated.

Some of my dearest friends and inspirations are finalists in other categories, you can see them all here


      1. Good God…I’m a goober maker????? A goober daddy!!!! Ah….exactly what is a goober? Congratulations from a goober daddy congratulationist

    1. Hi, Marla! Welcome 🙂 I’m so glad you’re here! I hope you find things that make you laugh, smile and drool 😉

      Thank you so much and welcome 😉 (yes, again)

    1. I’m so blessed to have friends like you.
      Those who enjoy spicy peppers, full moons, good drinks and a deep belly laugh. 😉

      Thanks, Jim. I’m truly blessed to have friends who believe in me. Honestly humbled

  1. This is the first time I read this! I’m so excited for you! You absolutely deserve this nomination! I cant imagine what it would be like to even be nominated…WOW AWESOME!

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