This past Sunday, August 19th, members of an Omaha church banded together to feed their community and raise awareness for Child Hunger by trying to break a Guinness World Record.

The record they were trying to break –  The World Record for most people packing food to feed the hungry.

In my opinion, that’s one amazing and inspiring record to try to break.

image from Ramhatter’s instagram feed


This past Sunday, 679 members of Omaha’s Christ Community Church gathered together and packed 900 boxes of food for their local food bank.  Each box contained about 15 items of food, including powdered milk, boxed and canned foods.

Nine Hundred Boxes of food – just let that number settle in for a moment.


Nine – Zero – Zero

679 people got together and packed 900 boxes of food to feed local families.

Imagine the impact on their local community – the families, the children who will go to bed with full tummies because 679 people donated a few hours of their time.

You can read more about it in an article in the local Omaha paper here.

Just imagine if more groups got together and donated an afternoon to packing food, or hosting food drives to feed their local communities?!  Oh my word – the impact that could have.

I can think of a few groups just off the top of my head:

  • Girl Scouts
  • Boy Scouts
  • PTA
  • PTO
  • Junior Leagues
  • Sports Teams

The list goes on and on and truly – what’s one afternoon of  your time compared to a child going to bed without being hungry?

What groups can you think of that y’all are a part of or could join that do community outreach like this?
Just a reminder y’all! ! The Countdown is on to enter your 8 digit codes from your ConAgra products!  You have until August 31st to enter your codes, remember One Code = One Meal.


I’m a Child Hunger Ends Here Ambassador working with ConAgra Foods to spread the word about their Child Hunger Ends Here program. I have been compensated for my participation in helping to raise awareness about Child Hunger and the ConAgra Foods Child Hunger Ends Here program.



  1. I love that. Completely inspiring. It breaks my heart to think of all the children and adults who go hungry every day. We told our little one to always watch for a kid who isn’t eating and offer to share some of her food. First day of school she found a little girl. So sad.

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