I love what I do, I love this blog and that it gives me a space to share my life and my family’s life with y’all. It gives me a place to share my passion for food, photography and writing with y’all.

It has also afforded me some wonderful opportunities and trips.

One of the things that I’m most excited about for 2013 is coming up just around the corner!

The Gathering is taking place in Napa hold on I need to say that again NAPA Valley, March 3rd – 5th, LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY!

I’ve never been to Napa and I cannot wait to spend 3 days in gorgeous wine country surrounded by talented, smart, savvy women, entrepreneurs and friends!

The wine sisterhood 2013 gathering schedule includes winery tours, meals at phenomenal restaurants and sessions in social media, video and MORE by some extremely talented women.

The schedule and setting alone are enough to get me excited about going, and then I read Aliza’s 6 Reasons Why I Love The Wine Sisterhood Gathering, and I am wishing it was March 3rd already!!!!

If you aren’t sure if this is for you (only room for 40 people!) watch the video made by last year’s attendees


Now, I need some help/advice from y’all!

The opening night party is a Roaring 20’s event:  WHAT should I wear?  Where can I find something to wear???  I don’t think we have any vintage shops here in Corpus Christi, surf shops a-plenty, but no vintage threads shops!!!

What’s the weather like in Napa?  How should I pack/dress?  I just bought my first real coat (not a denim jacket) so I’m set there, if it’s needed!

Have you ever been to a winery?  Tips?

Want to attend?  Register here!

Any knowledge or tips y’all want me to bring back?



  1. What a fun trip! I really wish I were going!! You’ll love Napa. I’m from Texas as well and my husband and I love to travel there and to Sonoma for wine tastings. March will be cool but so beautiful. You’ll love it. Wineries are typically casual places, no need to dress up. Dress comfortably. My best advice is to make sure you carry snacks such as pretzels with you. When you go on a day or afternoon of wine tastings, it’s good to have something in your stomach and the wineries don’t usually serve anything. The sunsets are breathtaking over the vineyards, make sure to take lots of pictures and have a great time!

  2. i’ve been trying to make this trip work…but i can’t! super bummed 🙁

    however, i just came back from san francisco last week…and it was COOOLLLLD! so make sure to bring gloves..and maybe a hat 🙂 days are warm…nights and morning VERY chilly! 🙂 have so much fun and hug everyone for me!

  3. Rachel, How exciting! Warm or cold you’ll have an amazing time. Oh, can you stop by Southern Oregon and pick me up first? 🙂

Talk to me!

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