Yes, you read that correctly. My fabulously talented, wonderful friend Cynthia, of NW Designs who custom designed and illustrated my Blog Characters and Header has branched out into CUSTOM Twitter Backgrounds, and she’s donating one to the Blogging For Boobs Cause!!! (THANK YOU CYN)

Here are just two examples of her work:



You can see more of her custom Twitter Backgrounds on her Design Site.

She is offering a Twitter Background that she will Custom Match to your blog or she’ll custom illustrate one character for you and design your Twitter Background around that!  This is an amazing donation and I’m so grateful to her and kind of envious of whomever wins it!!!  After all, custom Twitter Backgrounds are FABULOUS advertisement for your blog, business, cause… and they are NOT cheap!!!

The Nitty Gritty:

  • Entry One (MANDATORY):  Leave a comment telling me what you’re doing to support Breast Cancer Awareness, or how breast cancer has personally affected you.
  • Bonus Entry: Donate to The Susan G Komen foundation through the Blogging For Boobs page.
    Photobucket There is no minimum amount required to gain this bonus entry.  Just leave a comment letting me know that you did it and once I’ve verified it, your entry is valid
  • Bonus Entry: Tweet this with the #bloggingforboobs hashtag and leave the tweet url in a separate comment

Contest is Open from October 13th 2009 to 11:59PM CST October 15th, 2009  Random.Org will be used to pick the winner.


  1. I’m a big fan of boobs! God save the boobies!

    But on a more serious note, I work for the department of Radiation Oncology at a large medical foundation. I work day in and day out writing computer software to help research and treat many forms of cancer. It’s rewarding to know that the work I do helps other smart people unlock the mysteries of these terrible diseases.

    I even wear a black tie with the pink ribbons on it.

    What a great effort you are doing here! Keep it up!
    .-= OhCaptain´s last blog ..I do like them, Sam-I-Am =-.

  2. I don’t twitter so if I win, choose your favorite. I just wanted to tell you how BC has affected my life. My mother survived 12 years after her mastectomy – 10 of those cancer free. I miss her every day and think of her many times during the day. How my daughter loves jewelry and shoes just like her mamaw. My mother has 6 sisters, 2 who have also had mastectomies. They are still going strong. so it is there like a big ole stinky dog in the room. And you know what we do, we fight it – we scrub up that old dog in hopes of someday there will be a cure so that my daughter does not have to deal with the loss and worry that I have. Thank you for your website, thank you for your dedication to this cause.

  3. My Mom’s best friend (that I am named after and has always been like a second mom to me) was diagnosed with breast cancer 13 years ago. She had a mastectomy and chemo and was considered cancer-free. Sadly, just about two years ago, she developed cancer again. This time on her spine. She is undergoing chemo and radiation.
    .-= Kari´s last blog ..Fall Foodie Swap =-.

  4. I donated a dollar at a local store’s breast cancer fundraising drive. I also helped coordinate my company’s breast cancer walk team. 🙂

  5. Hi Rach! A month before I gave birth to our oldest, we lost my husband’s grandmother to breast cancer. She fought a long hard fight. She was given 6 months to live because it had spread….she added another 18 months to that and got to see myself and her grandson get married. She was a wonderful woman whom so many people loved. Because of Grandma Jean, every year I donate to every fundraiser I come across in my daily life. Though I am a red head and pink looks terrible on me, I wear pink almost everyday through the month and have a ribbon pin on every coat and jacket I own. I don’t limit my time to donate and fight for a cure just to the month of October, I do it everyday in every way I can.

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