My kid cracks me up.

Yes, it’s another Carnival video πŸ˜‰Β  This is Monkey and another little boy from the Camp Carnival 2-5 group dancing at the Talent Show.

Monkey would be the kid in the green Beatles shirt and the dark jeans and ever present boots.

Enjoy πŸ™‚

Who Let The Monkey Out?


  1. You’re right, it was hilarious! Love the arm movements on your little monkey and the wave to the audience πŸ™‚

  2. First time commenter, but just had to say “That is absolutely darling and hilarious!!” What a cutie πŸ™‚

  3. Monkey is adorable, but the other kid had me cracking up. It doesn’t matter what Monkey throws out there, that kid is determined to keep on keeping on with his hands in his pockets a little jig. It’s so funny!

  4. That is too funny. Monkey sure can move. And that energy… can I have some of it? Wow. And it just wouldn’t be the same without that other boy. Man, nothing was going to get those hands out of his pockets, huh? Hilarious!

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