
It drives me crazy when I go against my instincts and I make a recipe BY the recipe while every cell in my body is screaming at me:


and I don’t.

It makes me grumpy.

I envision my frustration following me around – a la Pig-Pen and his perpetual cloud of dirt

I was playing around with two of my favorite quick ingredients for yummy fall desserts – Pumpkin and Spice Cake.

I found several recipes and went with the one with the prettiest picture.

{insert repeated head bang here}

{and here}

{and here}


I made it – even though I questioned myself every step of the way.

I stopped myself from halving and modifying and adding and sprinkling.


20 minutes in, I could smell that it was going to be bland

1 hour in… out of the oven

I was right.

When even Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla can’t save it….

You know it’s bad.

I think even calf fries can be enjoyed by the most squeamish, if accompanied by Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla…

Well hell, y’all…

This was pretty, but awful.

A true Pintastrophe

I couldn’t even muster up enough enthusiasm to really style a photo.

I scooped it into a dish, topped it with the ice cream and snapped a photo

Not even the steam rising from it was appealing – it was just mush…

(I’m not bitter – even a little bit…)

{sarcasm, much}

(all in under 5 minutes)


I tasted it, and it was just as I expected.. bland.




When will I stop questioning myself?

When will I trust my instincts?

My best recipes and results come when I cook with passion and follow my instincts and heart.

Damn, Damn, Double and TRIPLE DAMN!!!!

Have No Fear, y’all!ย  I shall try again!!

Until then….

Do you fall prey to the pretty and fail to follow your instincts?

Please tell me I’m not the only one…

It’s Monday – which means it’s Mouthwatering Monday!!

I’m so glad y’all are here and sharing your recipes and love for food!

Here are a few favorites from last week’s link up.

  • If you’re looking for things to do with your leftover Halloween Candy – I’ve got a great post with some yummy ideas over on Babble Voices

Here’s this week’s linky. Y’all know how to play nice:
link up
link back
comment, share, visit each other


  1. Welllll… it is pretty. But I’m with you. I can’t NOT modify a recipe, and I know when things aren’t right. Go with your instincts. You’re a good cook. Here’s hoping the next version tastes better. And thanks for linking up the s’mores bars. They are SO good ๐Ÿ™‚

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