If Daddy puts Monkey down for a nap, he might forget to put pants on Monkey.
Monkey might get mad at Daddy because he didn’t want to take a nap.
Thanks to the crib tent Monkey can’t get out of bed.
But, his diaper can.
If Mom goes in to get Monkey up from his nap, she might have to run and grab her camera because this is what she sees.

And then Mommy has to strip the bed again and wash the sheet, the mattress protector, the comforter and Big Dog because Daddy forgot to put pants on Monkey.



  1. Oh I can’t believe he did that! You should have made him strip and wash everything and put it back on. He’d never do it again.

    Cute pic though.

  2. So hilarious, but so cute! And, I with Amy, why didn’t daddy have to wash the sheets and the bear, etc?

    Hopefully, he learned his lesson.

  3. MEN! They are so clueless. I’m having the same fun with potty training. Sheets at least one time a day & possibly twice. LOVE it.

  4. ahahahahahahahahaha…..

    so funny! i am laughing so hard that i have no comments….

    (too cute!)

  5. ha ha! Too bad daddy didn’t get stuck with the result of his blunder… That would have been a better ending to the story

    and thank goodness you didn’t find more than pee… I went in one time to discover Connor had pooped and decided to try and change his own diaper. Got his pants off, got the diaper halfway off, gave up after awhile and went to sleep with a poopy diaper wide open on one side and hanging down on the other side, poop smeared up and down his legs and all over his hands. yeah, that was fun.

  6. Too funny! My husband put my son in his crib the other day to run and get a new package of diapers from the mud room and came back to a tinkly mess. He just stood in the doorway speechless.
    I was laughing so hard I couldn’t stand up.

    I clicked on your blog through Pamela K.’s.

    I love your layout

  7. *giggles* You are too funny 🙂 If he ever gets mad about this pic later, tell him to blame daddy 😉

  8. LOVE the photo!!

    I’ve been having good luck with the Pampers Easy-Ups. They seem to be just as absorbent as the Cruisers, and he can’t pull them off! (Yet!)

    Thanks for sharing this with us – you made me smile!

    (And OMFG, the word verif. is “milfj” LOL)

  9. That is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!! What are we going to do with these dads? Cute post!

    Nice to see you – Kellan

  10. Hmmmmm . . . I would have made Daddy do all that clean up! LOL!!

    Your monkey looks like he was really comfortable though.

  11. That is AWESOME! What a munchable little bum! How terribly cute is that! At least thank Daddy for the blog fodder… makes for a great post!

  12. I have the same picture of one of my boys. I put the diaper on when I found him. There is nothing worse than taking apart the crib!

  13. OMG, too funny. Our son use to love to sleep butt naked too…thank goodness he grew out of it!

  14. That is too funny!! You must have absolutely broke down laughing when you saw that!

  15. So cute. Just love those little tushies…Had to show to my DH, who has Never done that…course I’m the nap warden…
    Blessings, E

  16. LOLOLOLOL! He could have at least put a puppy pad down! [I did that when I’d let Ari air out overnight from diaper rash] 🙂

  17. Большое спасибо автору за интересную информацию 😉

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