Yesterday I put some delicious pineapple chicken on the grill, closed the lid and went inside.

Five minutes later, I walked outside to billowing smoke and flames shooting from the grill.

I yelled and wrenched the dials to off and while I’m pulling the chicken off the grill (thank goodness I left the tongs outside!)  Monkey comes running outside..

Monkey: “Mom, there’s a fire.. I’ll call 9-9-1!”*

I tell him that I have it under control.  It’s then THEN that I realize that I had to turn the dials on my grill ALL THE WAY off.  Which means that someone turned them to HIGH.  I whirl around to face the little monkey, who is holding my phone ready to dial 9-9-1.

I look  him in the eyes and ask: “Monkey, did you mess with the dials on the grill?

Monkey: “Yes, I was hungry and wanted the chicken fast”

We had a long talk about not playing with fire and leaving the grill alone.

Moral: When a Monkey gets hungry… the chicken gets burned.

burnt chicken

* you absolutely positively cannot convince him that the number is anything other than 9-9-1.


  1. While I’d usually say anything you make would be delicious, well, those babies look to be good for batting practice, and that is all! 😉
    .-= Colleen – Mommy Always Wins´s most recent blog ..Road trip. =-.

  2. Heh, one of those classic funny/scary kid stories. A logical thinking mind though, very good engineer material!
    .-= Hockeymandad´s most recent blog ..Happy Mother’s Day =-.

    1. He is SO going to be an engineer!! The kid is brilliant. I swear I’m going to go to toast a bagel one day and my sprinkler system is going to turn on.

      He has fantastic logic, for a 3 year old 😉 You can totally follow every bit of his logic, which is kind of scary.

  3. Oh my! Well it sounds like it would have been a nice dinner! Super caramelized. Hope your talk helped to prevent further near fires! Boys!
    .-= LaMereJoie´s most recent blog ..Is It Dead? =-.

  4. OK, Monkey now qualifies for the Curious George school of cooking logic. Get yourself a yellow hat, dress, shoes, etc. and DO NOT LET HIM NEAR the oven when baking a turkey cause it is REALLY hard to get smoke out of the carpet, drapes, ceiling, hair, etc.

    1. because he’s *obviously* starving, right? 😉

      LOL. That is about the only reason that I’m glad we don’t have gas inside!
      .-= Rachel ~ Southern Fairytale´s most recent blog ..When a Monkey Gets Hungry =-.

  5. Apparently Monkey’s somehow part British; their emergency number is 9-9-9.

    Oh, and this is why I grill with charcoal. 😀 That, and the fact that I’m poor.

    Glad to hear that nobody got hurt! What was plan B for dinner, by the way?

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