
Oh yes, those would be the super hot Steve Madden “Madden Girl” Shoes that I scored today for $9.99 thankyouverymuch!

Oh yes. I am getting ready for BlissDom and trying to spice up my rather pathetic mom-drobe. You see, I live in comfy flowy skirts, sundresses and flip flops, I don’t own anything that is cocktail worthy, or even dressy casual, at least not anything that’s going to fit.

I’ve been slowly updating my wardrobe and I have been on the search for super stylish and comfy black boots ( FAIL ) and a pair of red heels, every woman should have a pair.
Today, at Marshall’s, I found these shoes, fell in love with their whole Lucy Ricardo vibe, I tried them on and tumbled off the cliff of love. Then, I flipped them over and saw the price! Marked down to $9.99 I was done, spent, it was over. These shoes were mine!!

So, what’s your favorite shopping score? Talk to me.
And if you’re going to BlissDom… I’ll be the girl in the supah sexy Lucy-Ricardo-wishes-her-shoes-were-this-hawt-black and white polka dot, red trimmed heels at the registration table.

In the meantime, enter the giveaway: rules found here that I have running with 3 of my favorite bloggers.
Remember: 4 entries every day means better winning chances coming your way 😉
And you know… if you subscribe to each of us in a reader, you know when we post and your memory gets jogged 😉

On another note…Have you seen the delicious eggscellent fun going on at Blissfully Delish?


  1. Love love love great shoe deals. And when I find a really good one like that it is time to take them all home. I once went to a shoe store with a great clearance. I got 8 pairs of shoes for $50. I felt like I had won the greatest prize in the world.


    Coco’s latest brilianceCHOCOLATE LIQUEUR & CATCH – 22

  2. LOVE those shoes!!!! I have a few pairs of cute shoes I’ve saved from my single-career-girl days. They haven’t made it out of my closet in about three years though. Sadly, I doubt they’d fit my pregnant feet right now anyway.

    My latest shopping score isn’t nearly as exciting as yours. I got a Fisher Price Little People Farm set at Goodwill for $3. Holla!

    Tiffany’s latest brilianceIt’s A……

  3. Love the shoes….
    Here are the deals I walked away from… Calvin Kline Black Beautiful cocktail dress $49.99!!
    Dooney and Burke Purse black and tan with small touches of red for $99.99!
    Walked away from them because Pilates costs $60 an hour!
    You always remember those that were left behind!!

  4. Love the shoes, but love the deal better. I have found so many deals in my life, I can’t really say which one was the best. Marshalls has provided me with, probably, more than my fair share of deals. Recently, I have bought Ralph Lauren pjs for $10, and lots of designer baby clothes for $3-$7 apiece. My other fav purchase there were the 3 bathing suits, two wraps and one grill pan that I bought for the same price I paid for a Nautica bathing suit in Macy’s. Incidently two of the bathing suits purchased were variations of the same expensive bathing suit. Love, love love Marshall’s!!!

  5. NO freaking way!! I love those, and I actually have to go to Marshalls today to return a pair of pants that I ‘ahem, thought would fit.

    I got myself a pair of cute mule type boots at Target yesterday for $6. They look snazzy enough to dress up my mom wardrobe of jeans and Old Navy long sleeve t-shirts 🙂

    Kim’s latest brilianceSmile..your on candid camera

  6. I love those shoes. Fantastic. I never find great things like that for me. But I am awesome at finding things for the kids. Right now I love those daily “steal” websites for kid and baby stuff. I wonder if they make them for shoes or adult clothes?

    Crystal D’s latest brilianceAnd the next thing you know…

  7. Adorable! My favorite steal – a cashmere BCBG sweater from TJMaxx for $25 with an original price of $140.

    Amy’s latest brilianceGrace’s pictures

  8. I scored a totally adorable sundress for this summer at the Ann Taylor Loft clearance sale online last week. It was originally 49.50 but I got it for 12.88 with shipping, tax and everything. I love it!

  9. My wardrobe is very casual but I did find some comfy slides that were marked down from $70 to $44 dollars. I used a gift card so all I had to pay was a couple of dollars. My really cool deal though was on a box of cheerios. Kroger had them on sale and I got them for $.67 cents after they doubled my coupon. I was thrilled. I have bought slippers for my girls from Old Navy on clearance for $25 cents. Most of the deals I find are food related or related to my girls as I do not shop for myself hardly ever.

    Very cute shoes. I love Lucy!

    Michele’s latest brilianceThe Closer

  10. I am sporting a prety cute red faux leather purse from Target that at check-out ended up being $4.98!!!! SCORE! Love the shoes.

  11. I work at marshmallow’s (what I must call it when I blog) and I drooled over those shoes when I saw them. I however did not score a pair in my size 🙁

    I got my son and daughter each thick winter coats there the other day for $7 each on their customer appreciation day so it was extra 15% foo too, so 2 coats under $15.

    simply anonymom’s latest brilianceWordful Wednesday (a bit of a video)

  12. Those are CUTE!! very cute. They’d end up sitting unworn in my closet forever, though, because I wouldn’t have a clue what to wear them with (or even how to move around wearing heels because I pretty much never have worn them before!! LOL)

  13. I once found some great sandals at Ann Taylor for very cheap. Sounds boring – but they ended up being the most uncomfortable-looking comfortable sandals I’ve ever owned. They were stylish, went with everything (etallic pewter straps – but not TOO shiny) and felt like little clouds attached to my feet.

    Love your vintage-inspired peep toes. They are adorable.

    Kate Coveny Hood’s latest brilianceRandom Guest Post from Chris Hood

  14. LOVING your sassy shoes!!

    Honestly my best shopping deals would be when I go to my MIL’s house and poke around her closet and help myself to whatever she has. Mainly shoes. She should really go on ahead and get that bunion surgery cuz then they will all be mine!

    amy’s latest brilianceThis is the peditrician, right?

  15. those shoes rockness! my most recent score was 14.95 llbean snowpants, new, from llbean. for my daughter so maybe that doesn’t count. i’m totally going to marshall’s tomorrow, thanks to you!

  16. I just love those great shopping finds, I don’t shop often anymore but the thrill or rather the memory of the thrill is still there. I once found the coolest cotton sweater for $5. I wore that sucker for 10 years before I donated it to Big Brother and there are times I wish I still had it

  17. I am really tempted to go to Marshall’s right now and check it out, but alas the roads are crap and I have to get ready to go to BlissDom myself.

    So to locate me I will be the woman frantically searching for those awesome shoes, my camera pointed at the ground :O)

    Domestic Extraordinaire’s latest brilianceIt’s Tuesday again!

  18. What a great score! A few months ago I found a new consignment shop that I decided to stop in to and see the quality of. It was fabulous and I was able to get a like new pair of vintage Bandolino boots for $8.

    Susan’s latest briliancePassionate about Puddles

  19. Love them! In fact, I love them so much I’m pretty much insanely jealous right now. But I’ll get over it. maybe.

    Chelsea/PB&J In A Bowl’s latest briliance

  20. Cute shoes. The picture reminded me that a friend of mine recently posted shoe photos on facebook and she was inundated by a bunch of comments from creeps with foot fetishes. Hope that doesn’t happen to you! If it does, let’s all band together and kick some ass.

  21. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

    Am I too old to wear these? ::sigh:: probably.

    Am I going to check Marshall’s anyway? Probably.

    Joy’s latest brilianceAdam A. Palmer Photography

  22. I liked your sandals very much and now I am going to gift these type ofsandals to my younger sister on her birthday. I think she is going to love these sandals. I really liked the stuff and material used in these sandals. These sandals are like first sight love in life. Thanks for sharing image of these sandal…….

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