I Flew into Arizona yesterday to attend the Mom 2.0 Summit, and not only was my roomie and kindred spirit Laura waiting for me at the airport, but this was the gorgeousness that greeted us at The Phoenecian .  

Hello Heaven.

The gorgeous Phoenecian

 Laura, Jyl, and I worked out at the fitness center, and then rallied for dinner at the Relish Burger Bar for some incredibly awesome sweet potato fries that came with our knife and fork style cobb burgers.  The Cobb burger is a kobe beef patty topped with a fried egg, avocado, bacon, and blue cheese, on top of tomatoes and lettuce. Need I say more? 

phoenecian sunset at relish

The Mom 2.0 Summit kicks off today with registration at Noon, and then I’m speaking on the Sweet Debate panel with LauraLisa, and April, an R.D. sponsored by Nesquik, and then it’s off to the Rise of The Phoenix kick off party; and I’m going to be rockin’ some killer styles throughout the whole conference experience thanks to the kindness and awesomeness of Stitch Fix!!   You can see them all on Instagram, you’re following me, right? 

Laura and I got up this morning and did a killer workout – she’s introducing me to the Kayle Itsines program and Holy hell, y’all – what a workout! OUCH, but I feel awesome.  We followed it up with a delicious, healthy breakfast with another amazing view.  This time at Il Terrazzo – I’m getting my Avocado fix here, for sure!

breakast at il terrazzo_

I think this photo tells the whole story, don’t you?

Okay, I think we’re off to lounge by the pool for a bit.  Hope you’re having a delicious week!  I’d love to hear about it in the comments, or just say Hi! 


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