Princess, August 2007

Princess, August 2008

The first day of school; for some it is sad, for others it is joyful and for many it is overwhelming.
For the last two years Princess’ first day of school has been thrilling, the new teacher, the new friends, the gained independence, the steps towards becoming the amazing woman I know she is destined to become.
But today, I logged onto my computer, uploaded the pictures and did a comparison… my heart stopped and my eyes welled. How did I forget that she was once so small? How did I miss that year?
In the space of one year, 365 days, she has blossomed from being barely out of toddlerdom into a beautiful young lady.
She is gracious, polite,intelligent, funny, snarky, silly, friendly, sarcastic and witty. I am blown away by her, and looking at these pictures, I am both saddened and proud.

My heart is outside of my body and is doing just fine on it’s own.

Visit those who were decidedly more successfully at keeping their fingers still for Wordless Wednesday.

Don’t forget we’re blogging the recession so if you’re reading this through a reader, click on over and read me live!


  1. Your Princess is so darling. She and my Alexis are so much alike and remind me of the other. Alexis loves school and can’t wait. Time does fly – doesn’t it!?

    Take care – Kellan

  2. I love that you have taken these shots and posted them. My favorite thing is the security gate on the fire place in the first photo and it is missing in the second. Tells you that she has gotten older to know not to mess around with it. This will make a great yearly update

  3. So precious! Maddie starts school today, and this post just reminded me that I’ve got to find my camera. I’m sure it’s tucked away in a moving box, somewhere. . .

  4. I don’t eve want to think about my daughter starting Kindergarten (it isn’t even this year- next year)- it makes me want to cry!

    Your daughter is beautiful!

  5. Eep! Kids get bigger? We’re not to school age yet, but I see it’s closer than I think. Enjoy your week!

  6. How the time flies. Her hair seems lighter this year. Sun bleaching it? And, like I said last night. I would cry.

  7. Oh where does the time go?!? I’m trying to do this with my daughter every year, taking a pic in the same spot. I feel your bittersweet pain. She is so darling 🙂

  8. She’s so beautiful. My baby just turned 1, and as I look back at photos we’ve taken over the past year…my eyes are welling up just thinking about it. So little time, yet so much beauty. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

  9. She may be bigger, but she still has a look of pure innocence!

    Here’s hoping she keeps that for the next 20 years! (and mine too)

  10. Oh my, I cannot believe the difference in her photos! She is such a beautiful young lady! Did she have a great day?

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