2009 is slinking it’s tired, ragged self around the corner and 2010 is looming on the horizon with it’s bright shiny hopefulness.  Ready to fulfill all of our dreams and exceed all of our expectations.

Do you face it with Hope?  Trepidation?

Are you facing it head on or with shoulders slumped in resignation?

I’m trying to face it with Hope, Determination and Excitement.

Because, I’ll tell ya what.  Between us…

2009 was one helluva year.

It was full of ups and downs.

Laughter and Tears.

Losses and Hope.

I think that this post sums up my 2009, If I Had Only Known.

Do you have a favorite post from 2009?  One that you feel needs to be read because it’s powerful, funny, sad, emotional, delicious, tantalizing?

I’d love for you to link to it and then leave me a comment telling me why we should read it..

Here’s to 2010 y’all.

May it be the year of blessings, beauty, laughter and community unlike any year that we’ve seen before.


  1. I know 2009 has been a rough year for people, so I hope I can provide a smile or laugh with my year-end post. Happy new year!

  2. Happy New Year My True Friend of Love!
    .-= Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle´s last blog ..Christmas is Packed Up {but it’s not over} =-.

  3. It’s one of my faves because of the way it all came together. It’s the text of what I spoke about in a church service and I thought, for weeks prior, that I knew what I was going to say but then on the morning of the day I was giving the talk, I scrapped everything I had, started over and wrote that. (<—- holy run on sentence, Batman! lol)

    I also like this one, which is kind of a prologue to that post: http://livelaughlove95.wordpress.com/2009/09/16/coming-into-focus/
    .-= Malia´s last blog ..Christmas Smiles =-.

  4. It was fabulous meeting IRL you this last year, and getting to know you through your words here. I may not always (okay, EVER) comment, but I want you to know that you have become very dear to me over the last several months… Hopefully we will see a lot of each other in the year to come!
    .-= Christine´s last blog ..Prayers =-.

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