“When you love and laugh abundantly, you have a good life” – unknown


Happy Sunday, y’all!  We are currently chilling in Galveston waiting until it’s time to go to the Cruise terminal and embark on our Eastern Caribbean CRUISE!  I promise that’s what’s making our entire family the happiest this week, but there are quite a few other things making me happy, too.

  • We got to hang out at one of our favorite Galveston eats last night The Spot, and I got to introduce a long time blogging-turned-real-life-friend to the family!  Last night, the Fairytale Family and The Sassy Irish Lassie families collided, and it was so full of awesome.  5 hours passed in the blink of an eye.  Her 13 year old Bear and 10 year old Princess hit it off talking school, being the older sibling, Science, Books, Math, and little brothers.  The two Monkeys… well……

2 monkeys

I can’t have imagined a better way to kick off our Spring Break!

Guinness Chocolate Cake


  • We have a little nook by the stairs where our breakfast table is, and it’s where the kids do their homework, and where their backpacks and jackets tend to live – I found this Backpack Wall pin on pinterest and can’t WAIT to get it started at our house!  See the DIY how to on the Scattershot Blog

backpack wall on scattershot blog


  • Not only is Breakfast the most important meal of the day, it’s also one of the most delicious, as evidenced completely by this delicious Cinnamon Cinnabon Cake by Shugary Sweets

cinnabon breakfast cake

I’d love to hear what’s making you happy this week.  Family, Food, Friends, Something you’re reading….  Please share it with me!

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