“You’re Like Bacon, You Make Everything Better.”

– a sign in the French Quarter


There are so many things that have brought me great joy this week, probably the best thing that happened this week is that I got to fly to New Orleans and spend the weekend with my wonderful friend, Laura. We’ve sat on her couch with our bare feet propped on wooden kid sized chairs, macbooks on our laps, exchanging favorite tips and hints, sharing ideas, inspirations, and things that make our lives easier, and things that make us laugh.  If lightbulbs popping over heads for AHA moments were real things… there’d have been a glow to beat any Griswold Christmas display coming from her family room.  Laura de-mystified mail chimp for me and I showed her how to take a screen shot with her Mac and the glories of Lightroom.  Serious chorus of Angels moments, y’all.

celebrating National Margarita Day – as one does

laura and me

  • Laura and I were both delightfully enchanted with this hysterical, yet brilliant bit of marketing that we stumbled across in the French Quarter.

ijesus phone repair sign


  • There’s truly just something about The South

There's something about the south


  • So many phenomenal performers, musicians, artists, dancers and more fill the streets and corners of the French Quarter – I’ve been here several times, but this was the first time I saw this particular bit of balance and construction wizardry.  He held this pose, board aloft for an impressively long time.

ladder acrobatics


  • I can’t wait for y’all to get a gander at the “southwestern mac and cheese” recipe that’s coming y’all’s way tomorrow! It is beyond mouthwatering, y’all.

southwestern mac and cheese


Other things making me happy this week:

  • These DIY pore strips (only 2 ingredients!) from Petit Elefant.  Will definitely be trying these this week!
  • These Banana Split Bites from Momables – um.. YUM!  Bite size means I can have 6 or 10, right?!?
  • These Apple Ginger Hand Pies from Mountain Mama Cooks make me wish that a) I lived in Utah and/or b) she delivered


Tell me, What’s making YOU happy this week?


    1. I’m so glad that my best-husband-in-the-world gave me a ticket to see you for Valentine’s Day! Such a fun weekend! Thank you for having me <3 xoxoxo

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