“Happiness is like a kiss, you must share it to enjoy it” – Bernard Meltzer

It’s time for my favorite part of the week.  Sharing the things that have brought me happiness this week.


  • Monday night, the family and I went to Tsh’s book signing for her new book, Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World.  There was laughter, new friends, old friends, kids running around, and a sense of joy permeating the crowd.  It was lovely.  Tsh’s book is a wonderful read, it’s inspiring, refreshing, and something everyone should read {PS I bought a copy to give away next week, and Tsh signed it! – stay tuned}

Notes from a blue bike

  • Tsh and I went to high school together, and it’s wonderful to see all the things she’s accomplished.  Her drive and passion are truly inspiring, and her family is sheer joy to be around.

Tsh and Me


  • Last year, Nathan and I ran the Color Me Rad 5K with a group of friends back in Corpus.  Yesterday, Nathan, the kids, and I ran it together as a family and it was one of the most fun – dare I say it… FUNNEST! – things I’ve done in a while.  The kids’ joy was infectious, and their smiles fairly split their faces in half.

family at color me rad

  • All you needed to do was see Monkey in action to know he was having the time of his life

Monkey posing

  •  Nathan surprised me on Valentine’s Day with a plane ticket to New Orleans to spend next weekend with one of my closest friends, and one of Monkey’s favorite people – Laura, aka SuperGlueMom aka MomAbles.  He wins AGAIN!
  • I love this quote and when I stumbled upon this image on Ashish Tirkey’s G+ page – I had to share it with y’all.  This is how I’m attempting to live on a daily basis.

Life is like a camera


What’s making YOU happy this week?  I’d love to hear about it!!


Color me rad pictures taken with my favorite little wi-fi enabled Camera that Casey got me hooked on: Samsung Galaxy Camera with Android Jelly Bean


  1. What a wonderful week you’ve had! Such an excellent V day present too, bet you can’t wait.

    This week I got to stand back and watch (and photograph) my husband and son cooking together. My husband never learned to cook growing up, so over the years I’ve been trying to teach him. My son however loooves cooking. It was so beautiful to watch them both learning and working together.

    Also I’m loving making pastry again now that the weather has cooled down and the butter won’t insta-melt.

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