“Always find time for the things that make you happy to be alive” –

So many things have brought me joy this week.

Family, The Olympics Starting, Books, Music, Roaring Fires, 100th Day of School outfits.

100th day of school

Monkey called his look “100th day old man”

Princess called her look “Get off my lawn”

  • Beer and Girl Scout Cookies pairings


  • When I was growing up, my Dad had a recipe for homemade Kahlua, which I think is why I have always had a soft spot for kahlua.  My first out of the dorm roommate in college and I loved us some White Russians.  As soon as we’d crack the top off a bottle of kahlua, the sensuous aroma wafting through the air just made me happy.  I’ve added kahlua to cakes and cupcakes and buttercream, but I never thought of cookies, and then Gaby – sweet, amazing, talented, wicked Gaby posted these  Boozy Chocolate Chip Cookies made with Kahlua and now I’m cursing her because I have to make them, and I’m probably going to want to eat every. single. one of them.

Boozy Chocolate Chip Cookies

    • We drove to the bustling metropolis of Mineola, TX for my youngest brother-in-law’s wedding, and the kids saw their first REAL snow while we stopped for gas in Tyler.  I got it on a little IG video 😉  They were pretty excited, as were the rest of the adults 😉


tuxedo men

  • Mocha Momma aka Kelly is one of the most amazing women I’ve never met.  She is on my list of people I hope to meet someday.  She is brilliant, funny, passionate, and doesn’t back down.  A few weeks ago Kelly posted on twitter about older black men in tuxedos at a restaurant she was at, following her tweets that evening, I, like many, was intrigued.  The internet has a lot of ugly, but the internet also has brings about some wonderful things and because the internet makes the world smaller, and often brings about wonderful things… Kelly found people who knew the dapper gentlemen, and was able to… well, read  Kelly’s  The Tuxedo Men Project  post.  It really is a MUST READ.   I can’t wait to follow this story even further – I believe there are great things ahead, and that more of this story needs to be told and shared.
  • P!nk has been one of my favorite artists since the first time I heard/saw There You Go , I’ve been a fan and following her phenomenal career since then. Whenever P!nk comes over our house stereo, the entire family rocks out and dances around together.  She has come into her own, taken control and is one hell of a powerhouse performer and a definitely role mode.  Her Grammy performance this year.. I can watch it over and over and over.  It’s one of my favorite performances from this year’s Grammy’s.
  • I have a book in my hands, and it’s one of those books that you put down several times, and then pick up again with a deep exhalation.  This is a book that you know will change you, will make you look at yourself, at your life, at what you’re doing and how you’re living.  This is a book that you have to be prepared for change, you have to be ready for it, and open for it.  This book, it’s a book written by someone I went to high school with, someone who is amazing.  For years, Tsh has run a website that has helped people to slow down and live more simply, more purposefully, more intentionally.  This book.  Get it. Read it.  Invest in yourself and this book: Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World


  1. Ok you’re killin me with your GSC beer pairing and the boozy chocolate chip cookies! We once visited a winery that gave us wine pairings to go with different cereal….it just so happened to be the winery owned by Madonnas father in norther Mi. HA! go figure 😉 Your kiddos are super cute BTW! have a great week.

  2. So glad we could share our widely-scattered snowflakes with you and your precious children! I live in Tyler and we went outside to catch a few of those rare flakes with our youngest grandchildren. I am sorry that there wasn’t more…for the children, not me. I just like to look at it and it goes well with my snowman tree that I leave up until early March. My roommate in nursing school was from Mineola, so I know those stomping grounds, too. I enjoy your blog and was happy to see my beloved Tyler mentioned in today’s post.

  3. I have to ask… do you know Emily Freeman? She writes a blog called Chatting at the Sky. She too, is friends with Tsh and posted about her book in her recent post. It’s rare that 2 bloggers in the huge blogger world would mention the same author as a friend. The older I get, the smaller the world becomes. 🙂 Thanks for your post. –Kim, Round Rock, Tx

    1. Kim, such a small world! I met Emily at BlissDom conference in 2009 or 2010. She and Nester and Tsh were in the room next to me and my roomies, Robin Dance (Pensieve), Amber Haines, and Deanna Garretson. Emily is the sweetest soul!

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