“I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health” – Voltaire

Happy Super Bowl, y’all! Are you going for the Broncs? The Hawks? Who’re you rootin’ for today? I’m rooting for the Broncos and the food 🙂

I have so many wonderful things making me happy this week, and I can’t wait to share them with y’all, and hear what’s making y’all happy.  Thank y’all for taking this happiness journey with me.

  • I’m absolutely loving this Gratitude Journal App from Happy Tapper – it’s a gratitude journal on my phone, which I love.  Fun fonts, reminders, and the ease of it being with me at all times makes this perfect for me.

gratitiude journal

  • The fact that my sweet friend, Melissa, has started a new Random Acts of Kindness Pinterest Board makes me so happy. Knowing her, this board won’t just be for pinning, it will be for reminding her and inspiring her in her daily life.  Knowing Melissa, people around her will be getting blessed with surprises and kindness.  I hope y’all follow along, and follow her lead.

  • Honey Chipotle anything makes me happy, these Honey Chipotle Glazed Spiced Almonds make me giddy, and they tingle the tastebuds, too.  Y’all should make some today, and then share them.. with everyone. YUM

Honey Chipotle Spiced Nuts


  •  I laughed out loud when I saw these “all that and a bag of chips” printables in my Pinterest feed.  The kids and I are definitely doing these this year – SO FUN!

all that and bag of chips valentines

reluctant entertainer's butternut squash enchiladas


  • If y’all haven’t seen the Dayum Five Guys Burgers and Fries video – watch it –  Daymon Patterson is hysterical and talented and best of all, totally passionate about food.  This video is an instant smile maker.  Be prepared to fall down a rabbit hole for about 30 minutes watching more and more of his reviews, he’s so fun to watch.


  • I’ve started reading Harry Potter with the kids, and their reactions, gasps, excitement, and eagerness to listen, and then talk about the book makes my book loving heart swell to bursting.


  • Nathan, and the kids and I are signed up to run Color Me Rad in Houston in 2 weeks and I can’t wait!!!  The kids came up with our family team name, and I’m getting shirts made this week.  The name they chose….. Happily Ever…. What


What’s making you happy this week?


  1. Thought I’d mention the books by Andy Andrews. Mr. Andrews has a talent for writing great books that have a profound and lasting impact on the reader and encourages them to make positive changes that have pronounced effects. Of course some of his books are just laugh out hilarious and that is great too!

    1. Isn’t it a great idea! I love journaling, but I must admit, being able to jot down things on my phone throughout the day.. kinda wonderful 😉 Have a delicious and relaxing week, sweet Gaby.

  2. The gratitude journal is wonderful. We can often forget how many things do touch us within a day and writing them down as they happen is a good reminder and helps to keep us happy.

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