It’s that time of the week.  Time to talk about what’s bringing the happiness this week. 

find the gold  Proverbs 11:27

I love saving things for these happiness posts.  Focusing on happiness, as stated in that quote up there ^^^ has made such a difference in my life <3

Here are the things bringing me happiness this week


  • I fell in love with This is My Fight Song when Katherine first shared it as a song that many of her Postpartum Progress Warriors were taking on as their own personal anthem.  This song moved me to tears, and it continues to cause chills and tears every time I hear it; and when I saw this video on Ellen’s FB page.. it made me smile and cry <3 


  • This Twelve Days of Christmas video had me giggling like crazy and I’ve shared it with everyone I can think of – it’s so clever and cute!



With this week’s This Week in Happiness Report – I’m introducing a new section…

Y’all give a big warm welcome to……….

Bragging on my People

  • I was lucky enough to get a preview copy of the incredibly talented Julie from Dinner For Two blog’s new cookbook; Dinner For Two: Easy and Innovative Recipes for One, Two, or a Fewand I’m here to tell y’all; this is a cookbook that will become ragged around the edges, dog-eared, stained, and spine-weary.  The recipes are approachable, the ingredients are probably already in your pantry/fridge, and it’s just as yummy as her blog.  Make your favorite foodie friend’s day and buy one for them!  Hello Christmas!!!
  • One of my favorite people in the world, one of my sweetest friends, one of my bury-a-body people has just announced something pretty freaking incredible.  Laura, of Momables, is now offering MOMables Meal Delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I’ve been friends with Laura for years; we’ve eaten in each other’s kitchens, we’ve traveled together, our families are friends, and I actually use, and have given others, her cookbooks: The Best Homemade Kids Lunches on The Planet and The Best Homemade Kids Snacks on The Planet

This is making me the happiest this week <3 I love seeing wonderful things happening to wonderful people <3 

I’d love to hear what’s brought happiness to your this week. 


  1. Hey Rachel, I do have one thing to say about Ellen Degeneras program and how she is very very false. The song writer Caly was not fake. May 2014 we obtained tickets to see her show in LA. My son Sam had terminal cancer and we had many people working behind the scene’s trying to get Ellen to take 5 minutes out of her own world to just say hi to Sam. That was his wish because for four years during his battle with Rhabdomyosarcoma he watched her everyday for a little light hearted humor and funny jokes. Well all that being said she could not be bothered to shake his hand or acknowledge him. He even sat in the seat that was saved for her mother who sits in the audience from time to time. It had her name on it so she knew who he was. She is as fake as fake eyelashes. So that being said please think twice before you put her on your web site blog. I love your blog and just a little info is that my aunt and uncle live in Katy as well.

    1. Hi Lynne,

      I am so disappointed to hear that, and I am so, so sorry to hear about your son.

      Thank you for taking the time out to tell me about this. Sending lots of good thoughts, love, and prayers to you and your family.

      ~ Rachel

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