“A single word can be a powerful thing.  It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything.”  ~ Ali Edwards

 Focusing on happiness will change your world.  -me

It’s so easy to fixate on the negative, or on what’s wrong, what hasn’t gone right… but all that does is drain you, and deplete your soul.

Every time I find myself thinking negatively – I focus on what I’m fixating on, and find a way to spin it to the positive.  It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it.

I have friends and people that I bookmark, and make sure to follow on Facebook and social media because they are constant sources of inspiration.  They have been put here to share beauty, joy, faith, peace, inspiration, joy, and happiness.  That’s not to say they don’t struggle, but they know how to focus on the positive, and they always bring me back to center.

I encourage you to find those people in your life and to make a point of watching them, and focusing on them, making them the people you spend more time with.  They are put here for a reason.

Okay, y’all!

On to this week in happiness!

  • As soon as I saw this graphic, I laughed out loud.  This is SO me!  I love music, and having music in my life makes me happy.  I listen to everything from NKOTB, BSB, Jessica Simpson, Blake Shelton, Kanye, 2Pac, to Newsies, Phantom, Les, Mis, Beethoven, Mozart, Hairspray to BB King and more

my kinda music found via pinterest

    • There are so many things that flow past you on FB and it’s both annoying and fun.  When I saw someone (I really wish I knew who it was, because I want to give them a big smacking kiss on the cheek and a heartfelt thank you) link to this TED talk, I clicked the link because it sounded intriguing, and I had nothing better to do.   Since then, I have watched Maysoon Zayid’s  ‘I got 99 problems palsy is just one’ 4 times, and I’ll watch it another 10 or 12 before this month is out.

maysoon zayid

… stop every single thing you’re doing and watch it. Maysoon is funny, smart, inspirational, sarcastic, and every single one of every single person needs to watch this video.

In her own words: “I’m like Shakira meets Muhammad Ali.”

    • I miss sharing family stories, and one of my goals for 2014 is to get back to writing about family, and bringing A Southern Fairytale back to its roots.  That’s why writing about why we’ve told our kids to STOP saying they’re sorry over on Southern Hospitality made me happy.

black and white sparkler


This Roasted Chicken from the slow cooker makes my life more delicious, and easier.

slow cooker roasted chicken


  •  I had this Caprese Garlic Bread at Better Blog Retreat, and it’s hands down the best garlic bread that I’ve ever had.  I could easily eat an entire loaf.

Caprese Garlic Bread


  • Stitch Fix is making me happy because it’s challenging me to try clothes and styles that I would never have tried.  It doesn’t always work, but the joy and giddiness that I feel when I see that brown box with the clear tape and light blue Stitch Fix name on it… well, it’s a special kind of happiness.   I’ve discovered styles and cuts that I never would have tried on in the store, but now have, love, and am wearing frequently.

My most recent Stitch Fix brought me this black and red stripe Maxi skirt

stitch fix


If I saw it in the store, I would never have tried it on.  I’m a curvy girl and Maxi skirts never seem to work on me; once again.. Stitch Fix proved that I don’t always know what’s best.

Other things that are making me happy:

skinny margarita


I can’t wait to hear – what’s making you happy this week?



  1. Your skirt looks great! My happiness this week is going to the gym. I horned last week and I love it! Have never even been in one before. I want this happiness to last all year!

Talk to me!

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