Elizabeth Gilbert's Glorious Mess Quote

via Elizabeth Gilbert’s FB page

These This Week in Happiness posts are one of my favorite things to do; I love concentrating on happiness, and finding things that bring me joy and sharing them with y’all.  Focusing on happiness is incredibly life changing, y’all. <3 


  •   Maleficent  was released today!!!!!  Totally cheating on our no TV during the week rule to watch it with the kids tonight!  I think this calls for pizza and cuddles on the couch!!



  • Lee Brice’s new song Drinking Class 

I’m such a southern girl, y’all 🙂


  • Slow Cooker: The Best Cookbook Ever Casey bought me this book last year, and it’s seriously the only Slow Cooker cookbook you’ll ever need, it’s AMAZING!  This would make an amazing Christmas gift! ! You’re welcome 🙂

Slow Cooker: The Best Cookbook Ever


  • Karen is one of the greatest sources for inspiration, joy, optimism, and photography.  Her photography e-book:

BEGINNING FOCUS: ON FINDING A CAMERA, THE BASICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY & TAKING GREAT SHOTS is a must have, especially if you’re just dipping your toes into the world of photography!!



I’m headed to New York tomorrow with Fisher Nuts  to attend an event with Chef Alex Guarnaschelli  at her restaurant, Butter, and I thought it would be fun to make one of her recipes and share it with y’all.  Um.. y’all.  This garlic bread is out of control, off the charts, mouth-watering, bring you to your knees, garlic-heaven delicious. 

Overnight Garlic Bread


 Tell me, friends.   What’s bringing you happiness this week?


  1. Have a safe trip. The pecans are almost ready to harvest and the Satsumas may be close to getting ripe by the time you get back 🙂

Talk to me!

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