Compliment People

see the original and find the printable version of this here

This. This. This. 

When was the last time you saw someone wearing something you liked and complimented them?  When was the last time that you saw someone doing something wonderful, or kind, or special, or ordinary; and complimented them on it?

About 2 years ago, I realized that I was allowing more negative influences and thoughts into my life than positive ones, and it was having a very disheartening effect on me.  I decided that I wanted to be better, be more. So I set an alarm on my phone that was simply entitled “be helium”   It quite literally changed my life.

I challenge you to go forward and be helium, magnify the strengths of others – you will be better for it, and you never know how far those ripples will travel.


CC Chapman's Amazing Things will Happen Book




  • One of my favorite resources and communities is Clickin’ Moms, if you haven’t joined/heard of/checked out their forums/website/classes/tutorials… you should really get on that. 
  • Karen is one of those people who makes an impact.  Once you’ve met her, the impact of her never leaves you.  She is one of the most talented people I’ve ever met, and her Beginning Focus e-book is one of my favorite photography resources.


    • Last week I was in Utah at the Better Blog Retreat where Jenny and Shelly introduced Sommer and me to this incredible makeup that smells like chocolate.  This incredible makeup smells edibly delicious because it’s infused with cocoa powder!! Y’all! Y’all – it enhances your natural beauty AND smells like chocolate!!! Sign me up.
    • Overthe past two weeks I’ve bounced between Texas, Utah, Texas, Washington, and more airports and airplanes than I care to think about.  I’ve been outside, inside, running, hiking, in schools, dry air, humidity, airplanes, airports, and dentists offices.  My poor skin and lips don’t know what to do.  I’m still working on the skin care, but I have found my new favorite lipcare and I want to share it with y’all. The ChapStick Hydration Lock is a special kind of magic.  One side for the day, one side for the night.  I put some on before going to bed in Utah, and the next morning my lips were still soft and coated.  Try it.. it’s worth it.

These faces, y’all.  These little people.  I’ve been traveling quite a bit and coming home to these little people who jump on me, hug me, kiss me, hang on me, and want nothing more than to sit on the couch with me cuddling and murmuring “I love you, Mom.  I missed you, Mom” over and over again…. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

my favorite people


 Tell me, friends.   What’s bringing you happiness this week?


  1. Spending time with you and all the other amazing women last night is what makes me happy. The fact that I get to spend the next two days with everyone makes me even happier.

    Thank you for including my book and message in your update.

    *BIG hugs*

  2. Right now, the prospect of making some major changes in my life is making me happy. I just need to be patient and remind myself they won’t happen overnight!

Talk to me!

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