“Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, But Today is a Gift, That’s Why We Call it the Present.”

~ Winnie The Pooh

This week has been filled with so many moments.  Moments of happiness that have involved family, friends, and virtual strangers.  Moments of beauty, and moments that have taken the breath from my soul.

  • I’m so excited for y’all to see tomorrow’s DIY feature on the blog.  One of my favorite people that I met in 2013 is featured on the blog tomorrow with a rustic home DIY that I adore.  I can’t wait for y’all to see it!

diy mason jar lanterns

  • I can’t begin to count the number of times that I’ve tweeted or Facebook-ed about Kelly Wickham.  I know that I’ve mentioned her here, too.   Kelly is a powerhouse.  She is brilliant, powerful, smart, funny, passionate… Kelly and I have never met in person, but I’ve become utterly enchanted with her online.  Kelly is one of those rare sparks – she is someone who burns from within – her passion is a fire, and she lights a spark in everyone she meets.  You cannot encounter Kelly and leave unchanged.
  • A while ago, Kelly tweeted being out to dinner and seeing a group of  elderly black men in Tuxedos coming into the restaurant – Kelly was enchanted.  Through Kelly’s tweets, Facebook updates and blog – she wove a story that had me entranced.  In the way of things meant to be, Kelly was put in touch with “The Tuxedo Men”.  Kelly has been faithfully updating her blog about The Tuxedo Men, and her passion project involving them.  Tonight – I saw pictures of Kelly at her first Tuxedo Men dinner, I saw gorgeous, powerful images of Kelly pitching her idea, and these men listening, welcoming, and (I imagine) being overjoyed that God put Kelly in their lives to tell their stories as only Kelly can.

I strongly implore you to follow Kelly’s blog:  Mocha Momma and to follow her journey as she shares the stories of “The Tuxedo Men”

Kelly and The Tuxedo Men Project |Mocha Momma

image courtesy of Raquita Henderson of Pinxit Photo: All Rights Reserved


  • Nathan and the kids and I ran/walked/cartwheeled our way through a Color Fun Fest 5K this past weekend, and made some pretty phenomenal memories.


Color Fun Fest Houston | A Southern Fairytale


My final thing for the week isn’t something that is bringing me happiness because of its nature, but I am mentioning it because I believe in the power of prayer and I believe that there are many prayer warriors among you.

  • This week, I found out that a sweet friend – a 32 year old Wife, Mom, and Friend was diagnosed with breast cancer.  The outpouring of love and support that flooded facebook and twitter made my heart burst.  Amanda, you’ve got this.  You WILL kick cancer’s ass and we will be your army every step of the way.  YOU ARE LOVED.



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