“See the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see”

~Dr. Dwayne Dyer

These past 15 weeks of focusing on happiness, finding the silver lining, releasing the negative, and surrounding myself with things, and people who make me happy has made it easier to find happiness, and I am a better mom, wife, friend, a better me for the doing of it. (I still falter, and have moments of negativity and doubt, but they are fewer and farther between)

Here’s what’s bringing me happiness this week:

  • Today {April 30th} is my adorable Dad’s Birthday – My Dad has been one of my biggest inspirations, cheerleaders, supporters, and sources of strength throughout my whole life.  He was the first man in my life, the man to which all other men were held up to, and the best Grandpa I could ever wish for for our kids.

BeBe and Grandpa

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!!


  • This “He went to Jared” Gollum meme

Gollum | He Went To Jared


Food Photography and recipe inspiration pinterest board | A Southern Fairytale


  • We had so much fun doing our last 5K as a family and getting splattered with color…. we’re doing another one this coming Sunday in Houston!  Nathan, Princess, Monkey, and I will be donning our “Happily Ever What” team shirts again and will be running the Color Fun Fest 5K Sunday night!  The kids are practically vibrating with glee! One of the best parts – portions of the race proceeds go to CHARITY!!!  Both charities are kid based – which is awesome.  Stay tuned next week for more pictures and stories!

Houston Color Run


The Skinnytaste Cookbook by Gina Homolka


  1. What a great idea for a post — and for yourself, to count your blessings. Happy birthday to your dad, and congrats on your CMP mention!

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