“Let Nothing Dim the Light That Shines Within”

~ Maya Angelou

These past 14 weeks of focusing on happiness, finding the silver lining, releasing the negative, and surrounding myself with things, and people who make me happy has made it easier to find happiness, and I am a better mom, wife, friend, a better me for the doing of it. (I still falter, and have moments of negativity and doubt, but they are fewer and farther between)

Here’s what’s brought me happiness this week:

  • I’m in love with these GORGEOUS for the eyes and delicious for the taste-buds, Rainbow Sangrias from Gimme Some Oven –Β  like happiness in a glass!

Rainbow Sangria | Gimme Some Oven

  • This is COMPLETELY NSFW and may be deemed inappropriate by many, but my husband and I laughed ourselves to tears at these Top 19 Most Hilarious Responses to the US Airways TwitPic debacle

Two Peas and Their Pod in Cooking Light


  • The Boston Cream Pie Cake from Unsophisticook looks gorgeous, sounds delicious, and makes me smile at the thought of the faces of whomever you share it with!
  • Giddy with happiness over the birth of my friend Courtney’s {aka the talent behind the gorgeous and phenomenal Entertainment blog} Pizzazzerie’sΒ  baby girl, Berkley. Congratulations, Court!Β  She’s gorgeous!!!
  • You know you want a peek inside a food blogger’s fridge – here’s your chance with Aggie’s 10 Things in My Kitchen Series! She even features my fridge!
  • Family time, even when it’s because we’re saying goodbye – Family Time is precious.

The final thing making me happy this week is being a part of Carrian – Oh Sweet Basil’s birthday week giveaway!Β  She’s hosting a week of giveaways to celebrate, and today’s giveaway is a $1000 Amazon Gift Card!

1000 Amazon Giveaway | Oh Sweet Basil

<3 <3 <3 Happy 30th Birthday, Carrian!!! <3 <3 <3


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wow~ what an amazing giveaway!
    Love your blog! And I love that you’re focusing on happiness. I try emphasis on TRY to follow what I took from the movie The Bucket List which is To Find the Joy in All You Do.

  2. I wonder if $1.000 would cover mine and Brad’s Amazon Wish Lists. We both have several books on our lists and those make us HAPPY πŸ™‚
    I would also use part of it to help a family transitioning from the Salvation Army into a home… that would make me HAPPY πŸ™‚

  3. I would likely buy gifts for loved ones πŸ™‚

    Also, thank you for saying that you are thankful for “Family time, even when it’s because we’re saying goodbye – Family Time is precious.” This rang true for me this past week as well. As difficult as it is to say goodbye, the time together is precious indeed.

  4. I would like to make our currently empty back deck a comfortable place for my family to eat together outdoors when the weather is nice. I have this vision of 3 well-behaved boys, my hubby and me eating dinner surrounded by nature. πŸ˜‰

    Happy birthday, Carrian.

  5. We’re expecting our second. So I’d buy the fancy-schmancy stroller that we’re drooling over but can’t otherwise afford. And all the other essentials that you somehow need two of.

  6. That sangria is so cool. I may mash it with my favorite summer drink, come y bebe (only the most awesome thing to come out of Ecuador..besides maybe those giant turtles).

  7. Would buy everything! I order everything from office supplies to books. Would love a gift card. Happy bday Carrian.

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