“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.  Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal”

~ Pamela Vaull Starr

h/t to Lisa Lehmann for posting that quote on Facebook last week

13 weeks of focusing on happiness, finding the silver lining, releasing the negative, and surrounding myself with things that make me happy; and while I do falter, it’s easier to find happiness, and I am a better mom, wife, friend, a better me for doing it.

This past week has brought so much happiness, but this post is going to be a bit short due to my not sleeping at all last night as a result of a sick little Monkey boy.

  • Monkey received the Game Ball for his Little League Game! He hit two doubles AND even after getting knocked down, he crawled to 2nd base and made it there before the ball! {minus a little skin on one hand}

Game Ball for the Rangers vs Cubs Katy American Game

  • Sitting down here on the couch, listening to my Mom’s voice rise and fall as she changes the cadence and timbre of her voice while reading bedtime stories to my kids, while my Dad looks over Princess’ Math Marathon packet.
  • My parents being able to watch Monkey play baseball tonight, and that they’ll be able to go watch the kids’ tumbling and gymnastic classes tomorrow.
  • Pretty much every single pin on this gorgeous and visually exquisite Food Photography Pinterest Board – Foodography

homemade guacamole | A Southern Fairytale


  • Groups of friends who band together to support another during a loss.
  • People who walk your kid to school when another is sick
  • Group texts that cause actual Laugh Out Loud moments.


Be happy, seek beauty, relish in the ordinary.

Have a great week, y’all!


  1. Aww hope your little monkey feels better soon especially after such an awesome game.

    As for the guacamole its yummy. Had a pig out with my kids! of course I didn’t let them know it had avocados in it *wink*.

    Hope you find inspiration today as much as I did reading this post and the quotes.

  2. awww, I love this post full of happiness. I need to do this more often, I’m inspired! Hope your Monkey feels better, cute baseball pic!

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