That’s right! Princess drew a comment out of daddy’s hat

The Winner is…

Chelsea, of PB&J in a bowl fame
She said: “I really think my Johnny Cash lovin’ daughter NEEDS a microphone”

Well Chelsea, the Baby Jamz Nursery Rhymes Volume 1 CD will be on it’s way soon and there might even be something in there for mommy!
Thanks for entering, and stay tuned… there will be another contest coming up soon!


  1. excellent! Congrats to your winner. I just got around to posting my winner today too. Where the heck has march gone?

  2. WooHoo!!! I’m so excited- I never win anything! Maddie will absolutely LOVE it. Thanks again

  3. Oh man. I NEVER win anything. 🙁

    Oh well. Might have to go out and buy the thing myself. LOVE the picture and her smile. What a cutie pie!

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