Y’all have been warned πŸ™‚ LOL.
We’re headed to a company Christmas party tonight, and ever since College this song has been a part of the Christmas season for me. My Dad heard it about 4 years ago for the first time and nearly wrecked his car he was laughing so hard.
Maybe it’s because I’m Southern (Shush), maybe it’s because I inherited my father’s dry wit… who knows, but I know that RobertEarl, well he’s Robert Earl y’all.
But I love Robert Earl Keen.
So, I’m off to have some fun and thought I’d leave y’all with one of MY favorite Christmas songs.
Remember, your sense of humor must be firmly intact to understand and enjoy this song and video. Otherwise, please exit the premises right now and go somewhere boring. K? K, thanks.


  1. hey girl! Man its been a long time since I heard this one! And a video?? Oh man didn’t know about that!
    I love love love this song!!! Thanks for posting it…made my night!!!!
    Have fun!!

  2. i’ve never heard of him but…liked the song!
    have fun!
    btw…try entrecard. the only thing, which i’ve been discussing with numerous people…it brings daily numbers but…not quality readers…but, i just started it…so, the judgment is still out…

  3. Living in Tennessee, I usually hear that song on the radio a few times every year, but haven’t yet. Thanks for the laughs!

  4. That’s what I am missing out on by not listening to country music!
    I’m going to have to change the presets on my radio.

    I grew up on country music, forced fed actually. I rebelled and now avoid it. Songs like this make me realize what a huge mistake I am making. Thanks for the great song. I am still smiling.

  5. Ok. Since I asked you to keep an eye out for me, and to keep the SWAT team on speed dial, I thought I should let you know that I actually survived the mall yesterday.

    But it was a close one, I’ll tell you that. πŸ™‚

  6. You’re all welcome for the grins πŸ™‚
    My brother informed me that REK has a new Christmas song, but I couldn’t find it.
    SM~ I’m glad you survived. I shall call off the dogs and the SWAT team πŸ™‚

  7. This was so funny – I loved it – Marry Christmas from tha famo-lee – Feliz Navidad! Too Fuuny – see ya. Kellan

  8. Hehe…Always have loved that song. I noticed something while watching the video, though. I’ve never seen Robert Earl and William Peterson (Gil Grissom) in the same picture together. Interesting…

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