I took Monkey to Bible study with me yesterday instead of leaving him in the childcare area because he was having an ‘off’ day. I’ve been attending this bible study since I was 6 months pregnant with him so the ladies there are like family.

It was a food and fellowship day which meant lots of delicious food and wonderful conversation, a real chance to nourish both my body and my soul.

While we had our heads bowed in prayer over the food I felt two little chubby hands gently clasp my cheeks and I felt his warm little breath coming close to my face and then as he tried to lift my head he said:

“Wake Up! Mommy!”


I love that kid. He sent the whole room into gales of laughter as I tried to explain I wasn’t sleeping, but praying.

He wasn’t having it. Every time I closed my eyes or bowed my head:
“Wake Up! Mommy!”


  1. Oh, how fun!! We have a similar story. The whole church was bowing their heads and my little guys said “Okay, Mommy. I sleep, too.” Although only about 2-3 pews of people heard him, it was enough to cause the rest of the church to immediately look up for the perpetrator. Fun times though. I kind of think God has a major sense of humor! 🙂

  2. Look at those cheeks!! And he is just too cute..

    Kim’s latest brilianceMaybe we should rethink the 529 College Savings?

  3. Adorable..and that picture of him with those cheeks!! too cute.

    Kim’s latest brilianceMaybe we should rethink the 529 College Savings?

  4. awwww, bless his heart!

    That’s a game we play with Connor (he tells us “go to sleep!” so we close our eyes, then he tells us “wake up!” and we open our eyes quickly and try to tickle him) so I’m sure he’d have been doing the same thing!!! LOL

  5. That reminds me of how every time I try to explain to mine where his “elbow” is, he thinks I’m talking about Elmo and runs away to get his Elmo doll before he listens to the complete explanation. (He’s 17 months)

  6. I had a similar thing happen on Thanksgiving while at a friends house. My friend read a passage from the bible before our meal and as everyone had their heads bowed, my daughter loudly exclaimed, “Why’s Victoria reading from that book, Mommy?”

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