There were many experiences at BlissDom that made me laugh, some until I cried, some that inspired me and some that just touched my heart.
Then there was the special preview that we got of Yanni Voices and that, that touched my soul.
The music spoke to the very core of my being, it was powerful and passionate and beautiful.
I won’t lie, I remember hearing Yanni and thinking ‘elevator music’. I have had my mind changed.
The lyrics (even the ones I didn’t understand) the power and emotion in those voices, the passion, gave me chills and quite honestly, I felt the emotion and music to the very depths of my core.
Meeting two of the young singers, Nathan and Ender, that have teamed up with Yanni and Disney to put on this spectacular, was amazing. They were sweet, humble, amazingly talented and Nathan sewed it up by saying that “A Mother Carried Her Son to His Dreams” the collective aww and sigh heard in the room was probably even felt on twitter, just check out #voices on twitter. Everyone in the room fell just a bit in love with both of those young men especially when they treated to attendees to a special Happy Birthday Serenade in multiple languages.

We got to preview the PBS special which airs March 2nd (check your local listings)

I even have a sneak peek to share with you!

Music has the power to transport us to a different place in time, bring out powerful emotions and unite us with it’s beauty and it’s passion.
I urge you to check out the sneak peek and watch it with your family when it airs live. It is an experience you will not soon forget.


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