Okay, Valentine’s day is this weekend and while I’m over here whipping up Cupid cupcakes and Vanilla Glazed Heart Shaped Cookies for a kinder party today, I thought I’d share two of my favorite super easy and DELICIOUS breakfast ideas that are perfect for Valentine’s Day.

Now, I want y’all to keep in mind that these are two of my first video recipes EVER so, just look past that and enjoy the recipes and mine and my kids’ silliness.

First Up:Β  Eggs in a Basket ~ Valentine’s Style

These are super easy.

  • Texas Toast (or thick cut white or wheat bread)
  • Eggs
  • salt and pepper
  • butter
  1. Butter the bread using a heart shaped cookie cutter, cut a heart into the center of your bread.Β  Put in a skillet over medium heat until you can hear the butter start to sizzle.
  2. Crack your egg into the heart and let it begin to set; I prefer my yolks scrambled, so scramble it and then add your seasonings to taste.
  3. When the egg is set, flip and brown the other side.

Serve with fresh fruit and a mimosa for the adults and orange juice and sparkling cider for the kids (adding raspberries to these drinks is a delicious and fun twist!)

Next: French Toast Apple Bake

(This is prepared the night before)

This video was Monkey and Princess’ debut πŸ˜‰

  • 3/4 C butter, melted
  • 1 C brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (more, if your palate pleases)
  • 2 (21 oz) cans apple pie filling
  • 15 to 18 slices white bread
  • 8 eggs
  • 1 3/4 to 2 C milk
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Syrup (for later)
  1. Grease/Pam/Butter a 9X13 baking dish
  2. Pour butter into the dish and then sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon into the dish.
  3. Top with the apple pie filling.
  4. In a mixing bowl whisk together eggs, milk and vanilla
  5. Layer the bread slices on top of the apple pie filling, pressing down firmly so that they get all nice and smooshed down onto the apple pie/butter mixture. You can alternate layers of bread with pouring the egg mixture so that every layer is thoroughly saturated.
    Make sure that you pour SLOWLY, so as to avoid spillovers ;-)
  6. Cover with aluminum foil and refrigerate overnight.
  7. Uncover and bake at 350 for 1 hour.
  8. Drizzle with syrup and put in the broiler for a few minutes to caramelize.

I hope y’all have an amazing Valentine’s Weekend.


What are y’all doing for Valentine’s Day?

Savor The Thyme is doing a Food is Love post with the Naptime Chef y’all should check it out


    1. I love that you’re doing heart shaped pancakes πŸ™‚ Mainly because I know you’ll take pics of you cooking them and B enjoying them πŸ˜‰

      I love you, my sweet amazing friend.

      Have a beautiful love day.

    1. I have never made Chocolate Chip Pancakes, heart shaped or otherwise πŸ˜‰

      I love that you do this for you kids, that you are giving them this tradition and sense of security.

      I heart you. You are an amazing woman and I’m blessed to count you among my tribe.

    1. LOL πŸ˜‰ Thank you, Candi! πŸ˜‰ What was I going to do? It was my fault for not warning her previously and really, there’s no use crying over it πŸ˜‰ or hurting my kids’ feelings.

      I want them to feel comfortable and confident in the kitchen.

  1. Your kiddos are too cute, that’s the first thing I wanted to say. Secondly, those recipes made me want to go out and get the ingredients so I could make them for myself for dinner. And eat them all by myself. But I’ll share with the fam because I know if they’re yours, they’ll be too good for them to miss out on!
    .-= Tricia´s last blog ..The House Hunt…is it finally over? =-.

    1. YOU.
      You are too sweet πŸ˜‰ Thank you! I think my kids are pretty fun and they LOVE being on camera and hamming it up.

      These are two of my favorite breakfast recipes (of about 15)
      I love breakfast πŸ˜‰

      I hope that you do make them for your family!!!

      Have a wonderful Valentine’s day!

  2. Both recipes sound great! I made heart shaped hashbrowns this morning…but the looked mor festive before I removed the improvised pancake mold:) I like that these are easily adaptable for gluten free…
    Hope your day is FULL of love, kindred spirit!

    1. LOL!!! Sometimes leaving things in the mold is better πŸ˜‰ hee hee

      Do y’all eat gluten free? I didn’t know that. I have a frittata recipe that you make in mini muffin tins and they’re gluten free and awesomeness πŸ˜‰ I have a friend with celiacs so I make them for her for all our events!

      Happy LOVE day to you too, kindred spirit!

  3. Awe, love Monkey and Princess’ debut – what cuties. You are training them well to be future chefs! We had heart-shaped pancakes with the kiddos πŸ™‚

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