Do you ever wish that someone would tell you what to cook, give you a quick and easy recipe or an already prepared shopping list?


Apparently my fairy-genie-godmother-father-person with the sparkly wand and glitter was actually paying attention to me for once because I have been offered the opportunity to have my groceries paid for by Sam’s Club (SWEET and YES, PLEASE) and a two week menu plan from Kraft.  I can’t offer you the $250 from Sam’s but, I can offer you the menu planner from Kraft! You can download yours here and if you’re a Sam’s Club member, you can also create your own personalized cookbook valued at $25!

Want to find out if there’s a Sam’s Club near you? Use the Sam’s Club Locator

So, for the next two weeks my menu planning is going to be virtually brainless painless!

I’m going to be making things like: creamy chicken pot pie, cheesy salsa mini meatloaves, quick pasta carbonara and Italian Style Chicken Roll-Ups.

At first glance, the menu planner looks delicious, there’s an easy to use all in one shopping list, the recipes are quick and easy and they’re broken down by cost per serving and prep and cooking time.

Over the next two weeks I will be sharing the recipes, tips and my thoughts on the whole project.  The Good, The Bad and maybe even.. The Ugly..

We shall see…….

Now for the I’m Transparant as Saran Wrap Disclosure Statement of YES THIS IS SPONSORED and stuff:

“Hi, My name is Rachel and I am one of five bloggers selected by Kraft Foods to work on the Kraft Foods and Sam’s Club Two Week Dinner Planner program.  I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program which includes my trip to Sam’s Club, my interactions/experience with the two week dinner planner and my posts about my experience.  I have also been compensated for the food purchased for the two week dinner planner.  However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.”


  1. Jealous of your Kraft gig! I would totally eat $250 worth of Mac N Cheese 🙂 It’s the only kind I like…screw the “from scratch” kind!!

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