These are not your typical twice baked potatoes… Oh no, these particular twice baked taters… these  are made in the microwave.

Yes.  In the microwave and in under 30 minutes.

These twice baked potatoes are my final recipe and video for the 2K10 Tastemaker Challenge.  This month our challenge was Nutrition in a Time Crunch.  30 minutes being our time crunch.

I went for super simple, super delicious and super quick.  Thus = Twice “Baked” Potatoes

These are MY ingredients.. you could vary them if you’d like.

I also did this with salsa and black beans instead of all that up there ^^^  {drool}

Twice “Baked” Potatoes in Under 30 Minutes

  • 2 medium potatoes (remember 110 calories, naturally fat free!!!)
  • 1/2 to 1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard (how strong do you like the dijon’ness’)
  • 1/2 a bunch of green onions, chopped
  • about 2 Tbsp bacon bits
  • 2 C sharp cheddar cheese, grated
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste (I keep a shaker of 1/3 salt, 1/3 pepper and 1/3 garlic powder handy)
  • 1/2 stick of butter, sliced

1.   Microwave your potatoes.  I used a handy dandy steamer bag and my two ‘large-side-of-medium’ potatoes took 9 minutes.

2.   While your potatoes are ‘baking’ prepare your ingredients:

  • chop the green onions
  • slice the butter
  • grate the cheese
  • measure the dijon mustard

3.  Take your potatoes out of the microwave and allow them to cool for a few minutes, then holding one carefully with a hot pad or towel spare t=shirt cut  the “top” off a long ‘side’ of the potato

admittedly, not one of my best pictures… but, you get the idea 🙂

4.     Scoop the insides of the potatoes out with a spoon, leaving just enough inside so the potato doesn’t collapse, and put the insides into a large bowl.

5.    Add in all but 1 C of cheese to the potato bowl and mix and mash and stir until you have everything well combined and then fill the potato skins with the mixture and top with the remaining cheese

6.    Cook the cheese topped potatoes in the microwave for another 2 1/2 minutes, or just long enough to melt the cheese.

Take them out of the microwave and give them just enough time to cool off and then devour.

Nathan declared these delicious, tonguegasmic even!

You can watch the recipe in action and bob along to a really fun Potato Song by Cheryl Wheeler by watching my video recipe here and if you’re feeling nice 🙂 I’d really appreciate you voting/ranking my video by using the stars underneath it. 🙂

If you’re linking up your own recipe to Mouthwatering Mondays.. Thanks!  I’m glad to have you participating in the first Mouthwatering Monday linky of 2010!!  Make sure that you link your recipe post url and not just your generic blog url, leave a comment, link back here in your post and visit the other participants!

Welcome to 2010 y’all!!


  1. Okay, first….I’m so sorry! I am a total goof and forgot to enter in my direct link on MckLinky. So I re-entered it again.

    My bad 🙁

    Second, you must be reading my mind! I just bought a huge bag of potatoes this week because I’ve been craving baked potatoes. I WILL be trying this recipe this week. A recipe under 30 minutes is always a huge bonus. Thank you!
    .-= Momisodes´s last blog ..From the bottom of my heart =-.

  2. I have heard of ‘baking’ potatoes in the microwave but though it was just a myth! I need to try these!
    I am adding my first Mouthwatering Monday post to your mcklinky!

  3. It must be a southern thing, don’t you think? We’ve been making Twiced Baked Potatoes for as long as I can remember. We actually had some friends over last night and he was telling me about the amount of potatoes they have and what could he do with them. I start rattling off all kinds of things and he was shocked! He’d only been mashing them! I told him to try Twiced Baked or maybe even dice some and fry them with bacon and onion to start…great recipe!
    .-= Candi´s last blog ..RECIPE: Easy Quesadillas =-.

  4. I am gonna try these right now. Great idea! And I don’t have to make my whole house hot baking taters in the oven!

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