Twelve Years

5 cities

8 houses

2 amazing children

she's a butterfly

electric boogaloo


You’re my best friend.  My biggest supporter and my constant cheerleader.

You believe in me even when I don’t.  You make me believe that I can do anything I want, if I’ll only try.

You are Monkey’s favorite playmate, and the most wonderful role model any mom could ever want for a son.

As for Princess – you’ve set the bar high and only the best one for her will live up to the standard you’ve set. {even though we both know she can’t date until she’s 30}

I love you more today than that day 12 years ago when I looked into your eyes in that little church in Austin and said “I Do”

You’re my rock, my best friend, my love…

Thank you for helping me to become who I am today.   Your love makes me a better person.

I love you to the moon and back – to infinity and beyond.

I Do.  Then. Now. Always.


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