Hey y’all!

Today’s recipe is brought to you by ME as a part of my duties as a VELVEETA Kitchenista!


See ^^^^^ that’s me ^^^ in my snazzy retro-style Velveeta Apron.

Today’s recipe is my Wildcard recipe.

We were allowed to choose a holiday/event and create an original recipe for it.  I chose Thanksgiving because I L-O-V-E Thanksgiving Food and I just knew that I could come up with a fabulous recipe using Velveeta.

I decided that it was time to jazz up that leftover Turkey.

FORGET sandwiches and soups made with leftovers — instead, WOW your friends and family with these Enchiladas topped with Velveeta PepperJack Cheese and homemade tomatillo sauce.

Meet PJ:

PepperJack Velveeta If your store doesn’t carry PJ, you need to request it. NOW.

Seriously, it is fantastic on these enchiladas, adding a creamy cheesy hint of spice and it also makes for some amazing queso.

This recipe is delicious and so super simple!

You just combine shredded leftover Turkey, with sour cream, onions, cilantro and salt and pepper to make a cool, creamy, delicious enchilada filling.  Put it inside a corn tortilla

Turkey Enchilada filling Roll them up and place them seam down in a 9X13 dish on top of some tomatillo sauce

Top them with our beloved PJ and some more tomatillo sauce and pop them in the oven until hot and bubbly

turkey enchiladas verde

You can watch the recipe “in action” by clicking the video below.

I had made an amazing video, to go with the recipe, and my Mac ate it, or erased it because I haven’t cleaned anything off my Mac in 2 years.  So, please be kind. I re-made the video, and added a voice track and managed not to cough even once, while recording it. Which is a pretty major feat for me, right now.  I hope y’all enjoy the quick glimpse at how this was done and trust me, this recipe is going to blow all other leftover turkey recipes out of the water.

Turkey Enchiladas Verde

Delicious Enchiladas Verde made with Turkey.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:15 minutes
Cook Time:30 minutes
Total Time:45 minutes


  • 2 small-medium yellow onions chopped and divided (1 1/4 C and 3/4 C respectively)
  • Tomatillo Sauce - Homemade or 28 oz jar of pre-made
  • 1 C fresh cilantro chopped
  • 4 C shredded leftover Turkey
  • 8 - 10 oz VELVEETA® PepperJack Cheese thinly sliced (pop this in the freezer for about 10 minutes to make slicing easier)
  • 3/4 C to 1 C sour cream
  • 12 to 14 5-6 inch corn tortillas
  • 1/2 C vegetable oil or lard for frying the tortillas
  • 2 Tbsp butter for sauteeing the onions


  • Pre-heat oven to 350°F
  • Heat 2 Tbsp butter in a medium skillet over medium heat, toss in 1 1/4 C onions and saute' until tender.
  • Add in tomatillo sauce, cover and simmer about 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
  • While the tomatillo sauce is simmering; mix the shredded turkey, 3/4 C onions and 1/2 C cilantro in a large bowl and set aside — you can season with salt and pepper, if you like.
  • Heat the 1/2 C vegetable oil in a skillet (preferable cast iron) and cook each tortilla about 20 seconds per side, or until soft enough to roll. Set on a paper towel to drain
  • In a 9X13 glass baking dish, spoon 1/2 C of your tomatillo sauce and spread across the dish
  • Spoon about 1/4 to 1/2 C of the turkey mixture into the center of each tortilla, roll it up and place it seam down in the dish
  • Once all the tortillas have been filled, rolled and placed in the dish, place the thinly sliced VELVEETA® pepper jack cheese over the filled tortillas and then top with more tomatillo sauce.
  • Bake for about 30 minutes or until the cheese is bubbling and the turkey mixture is hot
  • Sprinkle with cilantro and serve with sour cream and sliced avocados (if they’re in season
Servings: 9 X13 pan
Author: Rachel

Today’s recipe and post is part of my participation in the Velveeta IT! Kitchenistas Program. I have been compensated for my time and talents for participating in the program, however, my recipes, opinions and the like are 100% mine and as always, never for sale. [/donotprint]


  1. I am so excited about this recipe – I didn’t know Velveta Pepperjack even exsisted; oh the possibilities! Thank you for sharing this great recipe 🙂

  2. Now that looks so delicious, great ideas. Its good to get inspiration from others from time to time so thank you for posting, I’ll keep that one up my sleeve. In Peru there’s a recipe that requires making a soup (which you can do with a turkey carcass with left over meat on it) and then you pick off all the left over meat, mix some bread in the soup to make it thick and serve it with rice. It sounds odd but its delicious! We recently posted it on our blog here http://bit.ly/apwI3u (we didn’t use left over turkey in this instance but the principal is the same)

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