One of the best things about South Texas, the weather.
One of the worst things about South Texas, the weather.

One of the things that makes summer weather bearable, being able to take the boat out and go fishing.. the breeze off the water and the kids smiles, laughter and squeals of delight… make even a 100 degree day with sopping, heavy 100% humidity.. wonderful.

This is the first summer that we’ve had a boat and I cherish the memories that we’ve made.
Whether it was learning how to cast the Barbie Pole for the first time with Daddy.
barbie fishing pole

Passing out from the sheer exhaustion and excitement and sleeping on the boat under Daddy’s jacket for 2 hours, which added a blissful bit of silence to the afternoon…
asleep on the boat

Or the best catch I could ever hope for…
catch of the day monkey

The memories that my family and I made this summer out on the water, with our fishing poles are some that will always make me smile.
I cherish and am grateful for the laughter of my children, the wild eyed excitement as they experienced that sense of flying in a way that can only be experienced on a boat soaring down a smooth body of water with the wind whipping through their hair and ripping the screams of delight from their mouths and tossing them back onto the wake behind us.
Faster Daddy

Those smiles, laughter, screams and slimy fish scale covered days… they are what this summer was made of and I hope that my children will remember them with as much fondness as we do.

This post comes straight from my heart and I’m thrilled to add it to the Tuesday Tribute portion of Moxie Mona’s Around the Blogosphere in 5 Days

Below you can even see Mona helping to steer on one of our many summer fishing excursions.

mona drives the boat


  1. I adore the sleeping-under-the-jacket picture! Yes, a few minutes of peace and quiet does anybody some good. Glad Mona could help steer your boat. I could use a day on a boat about now! (there are no phones on a boat, right?)

  2. Love those cowboy boots poking out from under daddy’s jacket. And I love the watermark on your pics. The font really adds a lot of class.

    That Mona is beginning to exhaust me – she’s been responsible for so much family fun. And I haven’t even gotten her started with my post yet!

  3. Super cute! And she’s still got those kickin’ cowgirl boots goin’ on! =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..Vacationland Part 3: Dino Museum (Part 2) =-.

  4. Fantastic post, Rachel. I must say that I can totally relate. My husband just bought a boat over the summer and it made for some wonderful memories. You’ll have to teach me the secret to getting a toddler to sleep on the boat like that, though. Sheer genius. My kids are always running around. I like your version much better. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh, and the cowboy boots sticking out of the blanket? Priceless!

    Thanks for playing along.

  5. What a fun time! I love that photo of the little cowboy booted feet sticking out from the jacket – so cute! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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