Mother’s Day is coming up just around the corner, and in honor of Moms everywhere – I’m partnering with Harry and David for a deliciously divine Tower of Treats Mother’s Day giveaway.

This treat filled box will arrive on the doorstep of the mother of your choice (yours, his, hers, mine, you, your BFF, your granny… whomever) and I can guarantee their eyes will light up and their heart will go pitter pat in their chest.

There’s something magical about a box appearing on your doorstep, a box which you know holds delicious treasures inside


The lucky mom who gets this Mother’s Day gift will open up a beautiful blue ribbon wrapped box and find:

  • 4 Royal Riviera Pears
  • Milk Chocolate Moose Munch Popcorn (6 oz.)
  • 2 Chocolate-enrobed Heart-shaped Raspberry Galettes (1.75 oz. each)
  • Chocolate Strawberries (4 oz.)
  • Assorted Truffles (8 oz.)
  • 2 Chocolate-dipped Coconut Haystacks (0.5 each)
  • Neapolitan Maltballs (6 oz.)

***side note:Β  Princess saw the Neapolitan Maltballs and upon reading the package said: “Mom – why on earth would anyone want Neapolitan Meatballs?”Β 

After I got over the laughter, I had her read it again.Β  She laughed at herself and said: “Well that makes more sense, and sounds a lot yummier, too” (indeed)

Harry and David Truffles and Pears


While the pears are what made Harry and David a household name (and while those pears are so juicy and sweet and an absolute delightΒ  just as is or sliced up with some smoky cheese, or topping a salad with a Savory Dijon Wine Vinaigrette.) The pears aren’t the only treats that make a Harry and David gift basket an unforgettable gift…

I want to take a moment to talk to y’all about the truffles

Harry and David truffle box


I’m not a coffee drinker, but I love coffee ice cream,Β  coffee malts, and now these coffee truffles.Β  All of the truffles were absolutely sinfully delicious, but the coffee truffles and the dark chocolate truffles won my heart.

Now – do you see that little plastic package in the picture up there – the one between the pear and the box of truffles?

That’s a coconut haystack.

I’m a bit upset that there were only two coconut haystacks in this box and one of them got left for the tooth fairy.

I’m rather passionate about good {dark} chocolate and coconut paired together, and these.. well, these are a little bit of heaven.

It probably won’t surprise y’all any that the moose munch didn’t last 5 minutes past the photographing of these goodies, and the other treats disappeared quickly thereafter.

In honor and celebration of Moms everywhere, Harry and David, are giving one wonderful Southern Fairytale reader this very same Mother’s Day Gift Box for the favorite their favorite Mom!

{it’s easy to enter – just use the Rafflecopter widget below}


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Rachel,

    It should come as no surprise that I love Moose Munch. OMG, how I love it.


    I would send this to my own mom. Of course. Because she loves chocolate even more than I do. If that is possible.

    She deserves it because she never does anything nice for herself—-it’s always about everyone else. She puts herself LAST. Always has, always will.

    Thank you for sharing this. Don’t you love Harry & David? I do.


  2. Would it be wrong to say myself? My mom and MIL don’t eat chocolate … but I’d send it to a friend who is a brand new momma and this is her first Mother’s Day. :>

  3. I would love it to send it to my Mom, I used to send her Harry and David towers at Christmas time but haven’t been able to since I stopped working for the past 2 years.

  4. I’d like to win this in honor of my amazing sis-in-law who, with two young boys already, two dogs and a bevy of chickens, birthed twin boys this year and hasn’t skipped a beat. Behind my Mom, my sis-in-law is my hero and deserves to be pampered, especially with four growing boys at home, I’d love nothing better than this gift box and a glass of wine to find its way to her someday!

  5. This is an awesome giveaway and would make my mom’s mothers day. They are on a very tight budget and I help out whenever I can.

  6. Is it wrong to say myself? My family is horrible at doing nice things for me! My birthday we had frozen pizzas (blech)I haven’t had a cake for myself in I cannot tell you how many years. One year for mothers day they bought me a cd that I already had. And played all the time.
    I’m the one who makes sure everyone has a great bday, mothers day (mom & MIL) whatever holiday etc. However, my family fails miserably when it comes to celebrating me.

  7. would love to give this yummy basket to my mom who is wonderful, even though I would love to enjoy it myself and my son and husband would finish the juicy pears from them in five seconds flat. Their pears are super and I am not usually a big pear fan. this basket is a real treat for whomever is blessed to enjoy it. it would make someone feel so special!

  8. This would have to go to my Mom. She is turning 82 in July and still totally has all her wits about her. I wish that I could see her this Mother Day.

  9. I would totally send it to myself! I don’t typically get things for Mother’s Day, and this year I really need it. πŸ™‚

  10. I would send it to someone who has been like a mother to me. My mom has been gone nearly 23 years now.

  11. I’d send this to my mom. We don’t see each other as much as we used to before I had the kids and stopped traveling for work. Facetime is a blessing.

  12. I would give this to my mom for sure! She loves the moose crunch. She is a super special lady who has more strength than she realizes. She is finally on her way to a FULL recovery after her battle with breast cancer last year!

    Great giveaway!

  13. What mother wouldn’t be thrilled to get this package! I’d give it to my mom. She raised 10 of us and deserves to be pampered on Mother’s Day!

  14. My best friend is kind, brilliant, and funny. This year is her first Mother’s Day, and I’d love to make it special for her.

  15. I would send this to my mom! It would brighten her day to receive it. Then I am sure she would share it with the grand kids.

  16. There’s only one Mom that I would send this too….myself. Just kidding πŸ˜‰ I would send it to my own Mother because I know she would appreciate every delectable bite & of course, share with her loving daughter.

  17. I would send it to my mother-in-law. We only get to see her a couple of times a year and I would love to send her some Harry and David goodness!

  18. I would send this great package to my dear mom. She fell and broke her foot and is going through therapy and could use a pick-me-up. Mom is such a strong woman and never puts herself first and never complains. It would be great to do something nice for her.

  19. I would get it for my friend Monique. She is unexpectedly a single mom of 3. She works, goes to grad school and volunteers to work with the youth at church. She is down to earth and has many struggles but she relies on her faith and lights up a room.

  20. I would like to nominate my Mom. She is a wonderful person she has always been there for our family always putting family first. I am an OTR Truck driver so I can’t be home or visit as much as I would like, but a gift basket delivered to her door would brighten her day! Thanks!

  21. I would share this with my good friend as we celebrate her daughter (my “almost daughter”) graduating from college that day.

  22. My friend Autumn’s mom, who invites me to their family’s Sunday Dinner every week since I have no family close by.

  23. I would send it to my mother. She is a great Christian example and raised me to love the Lord. She was always there for me growing up and continues to do so now. She is a wonderful Memaw to my boys and is one of my best friends.

  24. You have a way with words. I’m sitting on my couch craving chocolate now πŸ™‚ I would send this to my mother. She’s amazing and deserves the very best!

  25. I would send it to my mom, because she is the best. I won’t send it to her, because she is diabetic. I will send it here, so I will get a gift for mothers day.

  26. My Aunt Charla is a fantastic mother. She took care of her aging grandmother years ago, was willing to bring me into her home when things were rough with my mom when I was a teenager, and is now caring for her aging mom. Her father, her sister (my mom), and her husband passed away years ago, but she remains strong, despite a bout with breast cancer. She, without blinking an eye, has cared for her 14-year old grand-daughter through the years at times when her own son and daughter-in-law weren’t able to. She now spends her time making sure that her son is taken care of as he endures bi-polar disorder. It broke her heart to put her mom in a nursing home a year ago, but it had to be done. She visits every day for at least one meal to let my grandmother know that she is forgotten. Aunt Charla really goes above and beyond in caring for others and being a mom to anyone who needs one!

  27. I would send this to my own Mom because she is so wonderful to my family and me. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for us, and I’d like to send her something she’d enjoy a lot (like this!)
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  28. The mother I would give this Harry and David gift tower to is my step-DIL, Lesley Dutzle of Wisconsin (born in Virginia). She has been an amazing mother since the birth of her first child, Kirstin, who is now a teenager. She has three younger children, MacKenzie, Madelynn, and Parker. She was a stay-at-home mom until Parker was entered pre-school. She has read to them, then taught them to read and count, played games with them, taught them good manners (they are so sweet and polite!!), and has nurtured them into such great kids. They are all wonderful, polite, kind, and loving children and will be amazing adults some day. She far surpasses any woman I have ever known in the raising of her children, and that includes my own mother and grandmother! Please consider giving Lesley this gift as she so richly deserves it. Thank you.

  29. I’ll split with my mom who is my biggest supporter, when you have twins the first few years are the most changeling time but now we can sit back and enjoy πŸ™‚

  30. I would love this to be sent to my mother!! She is the absolute best and what woman doesn’t LOVE chocolate? Or at least have a love/hate relationship with it. hehe.

  31. Even though I am a HUGE chocolate lovah…I’d definitely send this lovely-lovely to my own Mother. πŸ™‚ Momma of 7 kiddos, w/ her “baby” being 18, there are no more little ones in her care. (Although, as Mothers, our babies are FOREVER on our mind.)I’d love for her to have this b/c NOTHING has ever been done for her (gift wise) just because. She gives and does for one and all and sometimes w/ out it being appreciated, but she never stops. This Mother’s day and this year, my Mother does not deserve to put herself last anymore! She turns 50 this year, and I am contacting my siblings to make her birthday celebration one to remember for the first time in a long while.

    So, yes, this gift will be for my awesome Momma! πŸ™‚ xx

  32. I’d send it to my friend, who’s a great mom…and isn’t the world’s biggest chocolate fan so she’d have to share it with me! πŸ˜‰

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