Haiku Friday

Friday already
time flies, days gone, weekend here
Friday, full of plans

Big day today for
Princess begins gymnastics
the first class at 10

Let’s tour the blog world
Fussy wants you to fight Frump
go see, go comment

Le Binky Bitch wants
to know your domestic quirks
help her out, show love

The darling JJ
reminds us it’s the 15th
go frisk yourself now!

Loralee talks men
Matthew, greasy or sexy
what’s your opinion?

Lotus turns to Lou

a haiku of bloggy love
a toast for Sandy

Judith writes about
Poise Pads in her Friday ‘ku
her contest is here

A Mommy Story
‘kus about the baby boom
on the internet

The tour is over
Go see these bloggers, give love
happy friday, y’all.

More haikus can be located at Playgroups and at A Mommy Story


  1. Wonderful ‘Ku update on family events and tour of Haikus I’ve visited this morning through Mommy Story links … very clever indeed!
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Hi there, great haiku–what a tribute too. Thanks for the visit, I’ll have to bookmark/invisible blogroll you. :o)

  3. How cute to make your Haiku with linky love in it – too sweet and thanks for the links. Have a great weekend Rachel – see you soon. Kellan

  4. What a great way to highlight other bloggers creatively 🙂

    I am impressed 🙂

    I have a new feature I am starting over at the nest, please come check it out!

    The Egel Nest

  5. I am so impressed with you Haiku ladies. I seriously doubt I could do it. I’m a lady who recognizes my limitations.

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