
Tonguegasmic.  That is the only word for this dish that I am absolutely delighted with!  The flavor profile and ease of this pasta ensure that this one is going to be a frequent visitor in our home.

Let me tell you why this pasta is so amazing, the basil adds just a hint of mint, the peppers add a nice light undertone of spice and the salmon and garlic are a beautiful blend. The grape tomatoes give this dish a surprising burst of roasted sweetness each time you come across one, and the herb Feta.. oh. my. stars. it got all warm and savory and mmmmmmm. I’m drooling just thinking about it. I’m tellin’ y’all, you have to try this. It’s not often that I go into something skeptically and come out a believer.. but y’all…. Nathan ate two huge helpings and I finished off one bowl and then went and nipped a few more bites out of the serving dish. It’s even good served cold for lunch the next day! NOM NOM

First, I bought this Farfalle pasta because I like the 3 colors, plus Farfalle is just fun to say:

Rachel’s Salmon Pasta

  • 2 fresh salmon fillets, roughly 12 oz (frozen works too)
  • a few dashes salt (to taste)
  • 10 oz farfalle pasta, or whatever kind floats your boat
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • roughly 15 to 20 grape or cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 C chopped green onions.
  • 3- 4 Tbsp snipped fresh basil leaves (yes, it must be fresh)
  • 1 tsp coarse ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • couple of handfuls of fresh spinach leaves
  • a few drizzles olive oil, you choose how much to use
  • 1 4 oz. package crumbled feta cheese. ( I use a garlic and herb blend)

How To:

  1. Cook pasta according to package.
  2. Drain, drizzle with olive oil, cover and set aside. Make sure this stays warm.
  3. Meanwhile, drizzle olive oil into a medium high heat pan and toss in about 1/2 of the minced garlic cloves.
  4. Cook for about a minute or until the aroma becomes very strong and the garlic starts to soften.
  5. Sprinkle the salmon with salt
  6. Add the salmon to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes or until the fish flakes easily with a fork. Turn the fish occasionally while cooking. Stir in the tomatoes, the rest of the garlic, onions, basil and peppers. Heat through, stirring occasionally. Right before you think you’re done, toss in the spinach leaves just and heat them just enough so they start to wilt. In a large bowl toss together the hot pasta, some olive oil and the salmon mixture. Top with the feta cheese.

And to steal a page from one of my favoritest foodies ever, Noble Pig, I recommend serving this with a fabulous Chardonnay, like Lindemann’s

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  1. I was just thinking about how much I don’t want to go to the grocery store for dinner tonight…..and then I clicked over to your website, ta-daaah!! I’m making this for dinner tonight, but I think I’ll try it with shrimp instead. Thanks!

  2. Ok, one of these days I will get back to posting recipes for Mouthwatering Mondays. I feel guilty drooling over these without giving back. Feta totally RULES.

    And everytime I say farfalle, I think of Steve Martin in Three Amigos going “faarley faaarley farley…” And not only do I think it, I actually say it.

    I am weird.

    BusyDad’s latest brilianceWorst American Idol Post. Ever.

  3. Okay first. I’m so bummed I don’t have tonguegasmic post to share. I will though… so there.

    second. i hate feta cheese. there. I said it.

    third. I love this salad, spinach and salmon? YES YES YES. just no feta. ever. don’t even joke with me. ever.

    I’m thinking I could handle parmesian, but not too much cuz I don’t love it either. sorry.
    The end.

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