Okay… are we ready for the next installment of tonguegasmically good treats?
Those little tasties up there are just one part of the Princess’ pre-school teacher’s goody basket for Christmas. She’s also get Double Dark Chocolate Brownies and Pantry Cookies/Kitchen Sink Cookies and then a couple of other cute things.
Those chocolate delectables up there: Are Chocolate Peppermint Brownies
I got the idea from the back of an Adams Extracts box.
I used my Valentine Brownies recipe and altered it a smidgeon. (yes, that’s a word!)
Melt 1 stick of butter with 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate.
Remove the saucepan from heat.
Stir in 1 C sugar, 2 eggs, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp peppermint extract and beat well.
Add 1/4 C flour and 1/4 tsp salt.
At this point I crush up some candy canes and add them to the batter, it gives a fantastic zing and crunch. You can add more peppermint extract if you want. 1/2 tsp is just a starting point. I like a lot of peppermint so I add about 1 tsp.
Bake these in a well greased 8X8 glass pan at 350 for 30 minutes.
Then I top them with more crushed peppermints and occasionally the whole mini candy canes like you see above. These are amazing!!

*Cheaters Version* For the undomestic goddesses out there!
Box of Ghirardelli Double Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix and add in a tsp or so of peppermint extract plus the crushed peppermints ๐Ÿ™‚

Enjoy ladies and gentlemen


  1. That’s not fair! Dave’s out of town and I can’t put 4 kids in car seats just to run to the grocery store for peppermint extract. If I were still pregnant, they’d already be buckled.

  2. I buy cute little boxes/bags and tins from Hobby Lobby and/or the dollar store.
    Then I lay them on wax paper with a layer of plastic wrap sealing the top and then close them up.
    I always add a recipe card with the recipe and a note that they should be sealed better if not eaten within a day. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for asking ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Oh my goodness! You are an angel! I freakin LOVE peppermint and chocolate together! I wish I could have some myself, but irregardless of that I am going to make some of these for my friends and family soon. YUM! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. Those are delish looking! I’m wishing I was your princess’s teacher! At least now, I can make my own, thanks for the yummy idea. PS- I just saw you on Top Momma, I clicked for ya!

  5. 2 orgasmic tastes..combined together..heaven…MMmmmm…I am definitely going to make those…but the cheaters version of course…that’s jull the way I roll…but I will tell everyone…I made them from scratch…can’t have them thinking I am too much of an undomestic goddess..lol..

  6. Thank you for the Ghirardelli double Dark chocolate Brownie Mix cheat. No one makes brownies better then good ole Ghir, at least in our house!

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