1. Oh Rachel….honey, you all are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so very sorry for your loss. And this photo is incredible. I am with you in spirit.

    Sending big bear hugs and chocolate.


  2. My heart breaks with this news. Keeping you in our prayers. Hugs to hold you, shoulders for your tears, hands to hold to help guide the way. Your picture speaks a million words, thank you for sharing.

  3. I’m so sorry. My heart goes out to you. It looks like you shared one of the most beautiful moments together. May God keep and comfort you during this difficult time.

  4. Rachael, my prayers are with you and your family. My heartfelt sympathy on your loss. She will always be with your family in spirit.

  5. my thoughts & prayers go out to you & your family on your great loss. cherish those memories, and create new ones every chance you get…

  6. I have already told you how special of a lady you are and I am happy to have connected with you in this cyberworld we live in today. But I will make sure to tell you again, I am so sorry for your loss, and I do hope all of your fond and loving memories will carry you through this difficult time. Hang in there sweet friend. xoxoxo

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