
It’s Saturday! It’s the Weekend!! Do you know what that means? No? Well, if you’re a SAHM with kids not old enough for school… it doesn’t mean anything.
If you’re a SAHM with kids in school, it means your peace and quiet is shot.
If you’re a working parent, it means family time and no work, so have fun with that 🙂
(these are all generalizations so get your panties and boxers out of a twist there peeps)

But what it really means is… It’s Blog Hopping Time!! The fantastically witty blogger and father of the uber darling Fury, Busy Dad came up with this darling idea! Remember the days, B.C.? I know, I know, dust off the cobwebs on the grey matter and think harder. Back before children, when you would go out and play all night with reckless abandon, meet people and have discussions that weren’t centered around poop, pre-school, T.V. vs. No T.V., the benefits of Baby Einstein or Junior’s latest vaccinations. Well here ya go. This is the responsible, blog version of that.
So jump on the button, go see what’s up and join the party!
Get it? Got it? Good.


  1. I have a nasty fever and feel like poo. I’m going to get pumped up on ibuprofen and antibiotics and hop around!

  2. Woowoo! I was a blog hoppin’ late last night…..I’ll do my best to hang with the homies again tonight 🙂

  3. I can hardly remember those foot loose and fancy free days, but that probably meant I had a good time anyway.

    Happy bloghopping.

  4. great promo for weekend bloghoppin! I had so much fun last nite and found some great new sites I’d never seen before. and now i’m off to the races…have fun everyone~

  5. How appropriate that THIS be what I run into doing my own rendition of the blog-hop.

    Anyhow, the blog-hop is my favorite, right after the lindyhop…

  6. Rachel you rule!! Thanks for pimping our little shindig. Yeah, I wish BusyDad wasn’t taken. I’d have registered it.

  7. I would love to join in on the fun..but, I just checked BD site and he is not accepting anymore hoppers….put a good word in for Dixie..m’kay?

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