Want to know me better?

I do.  I learn a great deal about myself when I look back over the past year of posts, I see what I’ve gained, lost, learned, missed…

Whether it’s a recipe, a photograph, a story – here are the posts that I best think show the last year

January 2011


February 2011


March 2011


April 2011

For The Grand Old Banjoist

May 2011 – the hardest month this family has endured in years–  the month that brought me to tears just reviewing the posts


More Danny


June 2011

A Decade

Mexican Pasta Bake

July 2011

Blueberry Crisp

Chili Garlic Dipping Sauce

August 2011


Spiced Apple Walnut Cake

September 2011

Balsamic Vinaigrette Coleslaw

5 years your mother

October 2011


November 2011


Pumpkin Cake with Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese Frosting


December 2011

Dark Chocolate Cookies with a Candy Cane Swirl


Thanks for going on the journey of 2011 with us, here’s to 2012!

I hope it’s filled with love, laughter, joy, surprises, family, friends, joy and happiness!


Rachel and Nathan

Nate and Me

Princess and Monkey

who me wm



  1. Just seeing your smiling face makes me smile. As I’ve said before, you have to be the nicest person on the internets. I wish you a year of joy!

  2. It has been such a pleasure to come here throughout 2011 and I look forward to many, many visits in 2012. Happy New Year Rachel!

  3. Hi Rachel, I have only gotten through half of your posts, reading through each of your favorites from 2011, and just finished with the posts on your beloved father-in-law, Danny, which brought tears to my eyes and a knot in my throat, so I will read the rest later when I’m recomposed. I have enjoyed your blog this past year and look forward to following along with your beautiful recipe creations and fun family adventures.

    Wishing you many blessings for 2012!

    1. Oh DeEtte, you are just so lovely. Thank you so much.
      Thank you for your sweet comments and for coming back 🙂
      I hope 2012 is absolutely wonderful for you! xoxo

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