Seeing myself through my daughter’s eyes.

It’s telling*, it’s poignant, it’s beautiful, and  it’s a piece of paper that I’ll treasure forever.

Thank you to all the teachers who take the time to do projects like this with your students.

for mother's day

*my eyes are blue-ish green


  1. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. That’s so sweet!!! The shoes + carpet got me giggling, sounds like my mama. I love “she takes care of me and protects me” and that she wouldn’t trade you for anything. I’ve melted into a puddle just reading it, I’m sure you have too 🙂 Happy belated Mother’s Day, hon. This is wonderful 🙂 Love, Susan
    .-= Susan (woo222)´s most recent blog ..Bleeding out =-.

    1. I about hurt myself laughing at the 40 pounds 😉 I do want to figure out how to frame it somewhere 😉 without looking silly ;-0)

  2. I also adored the shoes on the carpet part.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s most recent blog ..Beef tips and noodles =-.

  3. I remember when Caitlyn did this in preschool. She said I was 21 and loved to iron. I loved the 21 part, but the ironing, I am not sure who her father had been exposing her too! LOL

    1. LOL! If she said Ironing, I would know without a doubt that she was lying to get on my good side. The only time I’ve touched an iron in the last 10 years or so was to iron on her girl scout patches, last week 😉 hee hee

  4. So sweet. I have a feeling that when your daughter is 31 years old, you’ll unveil this in a scrapbook or box of memorabilia for her. 🙂
    .-= Boston Mamas´s most recent blog ..Mommies Who Shop! =-.

    1. ISn’t it a beautiful little thing. I’m going tomorrow to get a storage bin. We’re going to go through all her stuff, save the favorites and scan/copy everything. We never get this time back.

  5. Lady you need to start eating that food you write about. You are wasting away!! 😉

    1. I’m sending you the bill for the broken rib that I just got from laughing so hard at your comment.

      Holy hell. I’m SO far from that…

      I can’t wait until I meet you one day, for real.

  6. Somehow I don’t think 40lbs is healthy for someone 5 feet tall!

    That is great though, I LOVE when our kids do stuff like this. Seeing the world through their eyes is an amazing exercise.
    .-= Hockeymandad´s most recent blog ..Here comes a good one =-.

    1. Is it any healthier due to the fact that I’m ACTUALLY 5’7?

      40 lbs *snort* she’s off by a smidgeon 😉 you know… 🙂 LOL. I hear you gave your wife a helluva mother’s day! Kudos to you friend!

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