You know the ones.

Those moments when you see your child and you’re thunderstruck by the person they’re becoming?

I was watching Princess walk on an island with her Daddy yesterday and she took my breath away, she’s no longer a little girl.. she’s becoming a young lady and I just don’t know that I’m ready for it.

When did she go from this…

5 years ago princess on the beach



To This…


  1. I have those moments often, particularly with my oldest. Not entirely sure where time goes, but I tell ya, I am amazed by the person she is and the person she is becoming. My breath is taken away in the BEST possible way.


  2. Everytime I see my oldest daughter, she just 13, I´m in awe that she is no longer a kid, she is a teen, I just can´t wrap my fingers around it.

  3. How time flies. We go from conversations about dont touch that its hot to boys and makeup.

  4. The first photo is adorable, the second is a beautiful shot. I know what you are talking about. My kids are 35 and 37 and I don’t honestly know how the years slipped by so quickly.

  5. I have those moments every day. My “gap baby” is almost 11. I remember my life so vividly before he was born, and then there is the life I have since he was born. LOL And now he is almost the age his oldest brother was when he was born! I find myself trying to stamp every moment into a memory imprint in my head. I don’t want to miss a thing.

    1. Exactly! I think that’s one of the reasons that I started blogging. To have a place to preserve those memories, because my swiss cheese brain wasn’t doing the job 😉

  6. Your little princess looks so adorable and pretty. Having a warm feeling in your heart seeing your little princess getting to become a young lady is so good.

  7. Last summer, I brought my whole family in San Jose. We spent more our time in the beach. We did scuba diving. Most of us love water adventures so we decided to take evening scuba diving. It is perfect. The marine creatures at night are magnificent.

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