
13 things I love about my new car

13. Leather Seats: Ahhhh… the smell, the feel. Bliss.

12. Heated Leather Seats: It may be South Texas, but my tush still appreciates the warmth when we hit the blustery 35 degrees 3 times a year πŸ™‚

11. The touch screen Sirius Satellite Radio

10. 6 disc CD changer
9. Reverse Back Up Camera: That sucker is cool.
8. It was a surprise purchase by my fabulous husband, who is super concerned with what I’m toting our kids around in.
7. I can upload the kids’ pictures onto the touch screen and they’re my screen savers. In. my. car!
6. Better gas mileage than the Expie.
5. Flex Fuel E85
4. Running Boards
3. Mercedes Benz Suspension System. This baby drives like butter.
2. One free year of Sirius Satellite Radio
1. She is so so so pretty and nicer than anything I thought I’d own.

Meet my new darling: The 2008 Signature Series Chrysler Aspen Limited


  1. LOVE it! OK I’m still looking at the Pacifica but would not turn this baby down.

    Heated seats…awesome!

    And did you say 6 disc CD changer? Awesome.

  2. Ok, so I’m officially green with envy. I had a new car not long ago. Notice I said HAD? Yeah, I had to give it up for voluntary reposession. It was just out of my price range. I’m. still. so. sad.

  3. Oh yeah those heated seats are awesme! I hit it to 80 on those seats and my butt is toasty!

    Great Thursday list! Come by and pick off a game from my list!

  4. With all those music options, you can go from Radio Disney to Broadway show tunes to talk radio to Raffi with the touch of a fingertip while appeasing naps, your sanity and harmony all in the same trip. Beautiful car.

  5. Very, very nice! Options are limited for us. Only a few vehicles fit 4 car seats with room left over for groceries.

    But I do have a separate stereo in the back so they can listen to kid’s crapola while I listen to real music.

    Have fun running all those extra errands that are going to magically appear!

  6. WOOOO-HOOOOO. Niiiiicce.

    You had me at heated leather seats. This is a pre-req in all our vehicles – I LOVE IT!

  7. I want it.

    (and now I’ve got Veruca Salt running through my mind stomping her feet and singing all about how she wants it NOW.)

  8. love it. we are on the lookout for a new car and are going shopping saturday. i will be looking into one of these!

  9. Sweet! Lucky you. I’m not due for a new one until next year. We’ve got to have our cars for at least five years before hubby will get a new one-I guess I’ll just have to live vicariously through you. Enjoy your new baby.

  10. Oh, Rachel…it is so deserve it, hon…now I want one!

    Hey, I am running a Lost Trivia contest today…if you are a Lost fan, come over and check it out!

  11. Ooh, jealous, so jealous!! Really the back up camera is the best thing ever! I don’t know how many bikes are saved by that thing.

  12. Right there with ya. I got a new Odyssey last year and it’s got all the same stuff you have — except the picture screensavers. Wow, is that cool!!!

  13. Oh wow…I’m pretty jealous. A friend of mine got a new Tahoe from her hubby for xmas (surprise gift). It has butt-warmers, too. I simply adore riding with her. Enjoy!

    Oh, and I gave you a blog award. Pop on over to pick it up. πŸ™‚ I love your place.

  14. You would be so jealous of my entry level minivan. I have taped up pictures of my kids as my screensavers.

    Nice car! Nice husband! Nice!!!

  15. Oooohhhh congrats!!!

    We have Sirius too. πŸ™‚ Lifetime subscription – but I’d trade it for one year and a new friggin’ car!

  16. G’day Rachel,

    So when are you coming around to take me for a drive? Australia’s not that far away!

    I’ve just added you to my blogroll. Hope that’s OK with you.

  17. There is a whole lot of Daimler in that Chrysler…very nice dear!

    New cars are such fun πŸ™‚

    The Egel Nest

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