Here’s to happiness and all things bringing joy this week. 

spread love everywhere you go


Here are the things bringing me happiness this week, and I can’t wait to share them with y’all.


    • The Spawned Podcast with Kristen and Liz.  I met Kristen and Liz at my First Mom 2.0 conference in Houston many years ago and I was enchanted by them.  They are intelligent, funny, sassy, confident, gracious, and their voices bring me joy. the spawned podcast
    • This video and darling tribute to Toto’s Africa by an adorable celebrity couple: Dax Shepherd and Kristen Bell. 

    • Have y’all seen Angie and her Unique brand of makeup tutorial awesomeness (Younique)  She is mesmerizing, y’all.  You’re welcome. 


    • Watching Princess dance her heart out and love every minute of life, being on stage, and sharing her joy and passion for life makes my world a better place!  She and her friend choreographed this for their theatre talent show, and while they didn’t win… oh my word, y’all <3 She owned the stage 




Nathan and Me on the plane ready for Carnival Cruise

  • We celebrated Nathan’s 40th birthday this week.  I wrote him a love letter on the blog, that includes 40 things I love about him.  I made him Granny’s Sock it To Me Cake, and if you follow me on instagram – you were treated to quite a sight 🙂  The kids wrote him letters telling him their favorite memories and reasons they love him, and I coordinated with some of the most important people in his life to send him letters, cards, and emails on his birthday celebrating him, sharing their favorite memories from their times together, and telling him why he’s important to them. 

Because they’re changing the world! 

  •  Please follow the #meditateonthis hashtag on Twitter and read the stories, watch the videos, support the survivors, and help ensure there are more survivors every single day.  Look at and subscribe to the Postpartum Progress website because they are making the world a better place and literally saving lives every single moment of every single day. 
  • Jill, who is one of the most inspiring photographers, craftiest of crafty, and someone I’ve hung out with, spoken at conferences with, been a stitch fix model with, someone that I respect with a deep down awe — she posted a video today on her blog in response to a certain someone who made extraordinarily damaging and dangerous claims today – ( I will not link to this individual).  Jill’s video and post, brought me to tears and made me incredibly proud of this sisterhood that the internet has created.  Please take time to watch her video, read her post, and share it; you never know whose life you might be saving.  Maybe it’s your own.

What’s bringing you joy and happiness this week?  What’s inspiring you?  I would love to hear all about it.


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