This morning I crawled into bed with Monkey and nuzzled his sleep tousled hair, kissed his pillow creased cheeks and inhaled the smell of small, sleeping, content boy.

This lasted mere seconds before Nathan swooped in and started tickling and waking Monkey with smiles and laughter.

This morning, I brushed Princess hair and helped her adjust her sparkly headband.

This morning I ate breakfast with my family, laughing over eggs and steaming biscuits.

This morning my children went off to school and I said a small prayer.

This morning,  I sat on the floor and cried, my heart breaking for all those parents who will no longer have those morning giggles, snuggles and breakfasts.

This morning I am putting aside my normal recipe posts and bringing you a prayer that my friend, Dawn, shared on her FB page:

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love’s sake. Amen. – Episcopal Online Book of Common Prayer, Compline

One of those families that will not be hugging their sweet child this morning, is my friend Victoria’s family. VDog is a fellow blogger, one of the first people that I met in the blogging world – back in 2009.
Victoria’s nephew Noah Pozner is one of the 6 year old victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy.

I’m going to keep this short – the tears swimming in my eyes make it hard to see.

If you’re on twitter:

VDog ‏@VDog

Noah’s Hebrew name is Shamule & his mother’s is Rivkah. Please pray for peace. #LoveForNoah

If you want to know how to donate to help Victoria’s family, Dawn’s FB page gives all that information

If you want to write a letter to his family, Dawn’s Blog Gives That information, too.

V – I love you girl.  My heart, my tears, my prayers… they flow freely for your family and your unfathomable loss.

To all the families of Sandy Hook – my prayers.



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